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BQ24171EVM-706-15V: LED D1 state for the charger termination

Part Number: BQ24171EVM-706-15V

Dear the person in charge of BQ24171EVM-706-15V,

I have a question.

It is written as below for the subject "2.7.4 Charger Termination and Recharge" of bq24171EVM user's guide(SLUU462A–November 2010–Revised February 2011).

>Increase the voltage of LOAD#2 slowly to approximately 4.2 V for 001 and 12.6 V for 002 / 003.
>Observe → I(J2(VBAT)) decreases from 2 A while V(J2(VBAT)) becomes constant.
>Observe → I(J2(VBAT)) drops to zero when LOAD#2 current is less than 0.2 A.

When I(J2(VBAT)) droped to zero, how does LED D1 state become?
(blink or OFF or ON?

Could you tell me for the above? 

Best regards,


  • Hiroyuki-san,

    The STAT pin goes HIGH when charging is complete, so the LED on the EVM would be off.

    I hope this resolves your issue,


  • Dear Ricardo-san,

    Thank you for the reply.

    I understood that the LED on the EVM would be off when charging is complete.

    So, I did the following test written for the subject "2.7.4 Charger Termination and Recharge" of bq24171EVM user's guide

    (SLUU462A–November 2010–Revised February 2011).

    >Increase the voltage of LOAD#2 slowly to approximately 4.2 V for 001 and 12.6 V for 002 / 003.
    >Observe → I(J2(VBAT)) decreases from 2 A while V(J2(VBAT)) becomes constant.
    >Observe → I(J2(VBAT)) drops to zero when LOAD#2 current is less than 0.2 A.

    LED D1 was blinking when I(J2(VBAT)) drops to zero(LOAD#2 current is less than 0.2 A).

    And I charged the battery pack instead of the DC electronic load as a trial.

    The LED D1 became off.

    I have a question.

    It is written as below for the subject "2.5.2 Loads" of bq24171EVM user's guide(SLUU462A–November 2010–Revised February 2011).

    >LOAD#2: An HP 6060B 3-V to 60-V/0-A to 60-A, 300-W system dc electronic load or equivalent.

    Though written as "equivalent",

    is it possible that LED D1 does not turn off due to the difference of the electronic load(the model of the electronic load)?

    I used KIKUSUI PLZ164WA(0-150V / 0-33A, 165W) as LOAD#2.

    (Of course, the mode is CV mode.)

    Could you tell me for the above? 

    Best regards,


  • Hiroyuki-san,

    It is likely that your electronic load is the source of the issue. We cannot verify the EVM user guide with every electronic load on the market.

    Personally, I prefer to use a sourcemeter or bidirectional power supply to simulate a battery.

