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TPS51120: 5V converter not starting when configured for current mode operation.

Part Number: TPS51120

I have the TPS51120RHBR configured for current mode operation with VFB for output1 and 2 tied to V5FILT and the output rails tied back to their respective VO pins. Have tried EN5 and EN1 at 3.3V on inputs driven by NOR gate, and also with EN5 floating and EN1 at 3.3V, and with both EN5 and EN1 floating. The 5V linear output is good, but the 5V switcher is not running, and since I have its PG pin connected to EN2 with 100kohm pull-up to V5FILT. I also opened up a case with the schematic page and screen shot of layout attached. The output bulk capacitors are aluminum poly types. I was not allowed to use Tantalums with their higher ESR for the D-CAP mode. Do the ENx inputs need more than 3.3V? The data sheet shows EN1, EN5 as low-to-high 0.6V typ, 0.8V max with hysteresis of 200mV, so I assumed >1V was good enough. However the data sheet also shows E5 when floated is 3.3V typ. This might imply a higher input voltage to guarantee enabling. Kind of ambiguous I think. Might think about changing the data sheet to be more clear. In later posts to the case, I noted that what was supposed to be 4.7ohm resistor for the RC filter from VREG5 to V5FILT, was instead loaded with 4.7kohm. However after correcting this component loading error, I still do not see the 5V switcher starting up.