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LMZ31530: Heat Sink Installation Suggestion

Part Number: LMZ31530

Hi team,

Do you have any guideline for heat sink installation of LMZ31530?

I'm concerned that the metal close to the inductor can somewhat matter the performance.

If the spacing should be needed, how much spacing do you recommend?



  • Hi Itoh-san,

    The inductor in the module is shielded, so I do not think the metal heatsink would significantly impact the inductor from magnetic/electrical performance perspective (skew the value, etc). 

    From mechanical/reliability perspective, the customer will have to test and evaluate their design (thermal interface and how heatsink attaches and touches the module) and ensure it meets their qual/reliability standards. A concern with heatsinking would be that the heatsink would apply stress on the module and solder joints, so the customer is responsible to evaluate and test their design meets their lifetime/reliability requirements. We do not have specific guidelines on heatsink design or application.

    Typically, the main intended heatsink for our power modules is the PCB copper, as discussed in this application note:
