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ISO5452: VOH

Genius 4720 points
Part Number: ISO5452

Please let us know VOH value for Logic I/O.We found only VOL in datasheet.

  • Hi, Kura,

    Are you asking about RDY and FLT-z?  If so, those are open drain outputs, so the VOH is controlled by the external pull-up resistor in your circuit.

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  • Hi Kura,

    Welcome to E2E!

    I believe the V_OL spec you are referring is the low level output voltage of the RDY and FLT pins. When the internal FETs turn on and pull down the node there will be a voltage drop across the FETs that will output to the pin. During UVLO or FLT event, these pins will still at most output 0.2V per the datasheet.

    The high level and low level logic voltages for the IN+, IN-, and RST pins is in the recommended operating conditions section of the datasheet.

    Let me know if there's any more questions!

    Best regards,

    Andy Robles