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Dear RD or supporter:
Based on EV2300 VB customer kit , i want to develop an auto barcode comparing tool(compare Pack's barcode and manufacture info in Dataflash) Based on the bq40z50 RTM, write SMBus Block address 0x44, data 0x70 00, then read SMBus block 0x23, the manufacture info(Barcode in Dataflash), Unfortunately, i can not found SMBusBlock read&write operation program in EV2300 VB customer kit codes, i am trying to write and read SMBus Block for many times, but i am failed. Could you please give me some advice, thank you.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards
Mike Lee
Hello Mike,
The EV2300 is an old device that can no longer be supported fully. What customer codes are you referring to?
You can use an SMBus or I2C API to communicate with the gauge and use the TRM as a guide for the commands to send.
Wyatt Keller
Hello Wyatt,
Thanks for your prompt response.
I am not familiar with SMBus API to communicate with the gauge, could you please give me an example regarding to SMBus block and SMBus word read/write.
I'd like to read manufacturer info, but i not good at reading code of SMBusBlock, the codes of Visual Basic 6 are as following, could you please help to fix the codes of ReadSMBusBlock ,thanks a lot.
Main sub codes
ModUSB codes
Best regards
Mike Lee
Hello Wyatt,
Because the pic can not be showed correctly, update the codes
Main Sub
If (Len(Text12.Text) <= 2) Then ' SMBusword write Manufacturer Acces 0x00,data=0070
WordHexToHex Text12.Text
If (Len(Text20.Text) <= 4) Then
DataH5 = WordHexToHex(Text20.Text) \ 256
DataL5 = WordHexToHex(Text20.Text) Mod 256
lerror5 = WriteSMBusWord(ByteHexToHex(Text23.Text), DataH5, DataL5)
End If
End If
Call time_delay(2)
Res = 20
If (Len(Text21.Text) <= 2) Then 'SMBusBlock read Manufacturer 0x23
lerror7 = ReadSMBusBlock(ByteHexToHex(Text21.Text), Res)
End If
str = InputBox("请输入字符串")
For i = 1 To Len(str)
ascstr = ascstr & CStr(Asc(Mid(str, i, 2)))
Next i
Text19.Text = ascstr
Public Function ReadSMBusBlock(ByVal ySubCommand As Byte, sResponse As String) As Long
Dim lerror As Long
Dim Data(128) As Byte
Dim nLen As Integer
Dim SubCmd As Integer
SubCmd = ySubCommand
'To call ReadSMBusBlock() we need a pointer to variant containing array of bytes
'So assign an array of bytes to variant v and use v as argument to the call
Dim v As Variant
v = Data
sResponse = ""
lerror = Form1.Bq80xRW1.ReadSMBusBlock(SubCmd, v, nLen, &H17)
If lerror = 0 Then 'Stick return data into a string
Dim X As Integer
For X = 0 To nLen - 1
'sResponse = sResponse & Chr(v(X)) This will display actual string for mfg name
Dim tmpStr As String
tmpStr = Hex$(v(X))
If Len(tmpStr) < 2 Then
tmpStr = "0" & tmpStr
End If
sResponse = sResponse & tmpStr
Next X
End If
' ReportCommErrors lError
ReadSMBusBlock = lerror
End Function
Best regards
Mike Lee
Hello Mike,
I won't be able to help debug your code, we have some app notes regarding gauge communication that may be helpful for you:
I would recommend using the EV2400 and logic analyzer to debug what commands you are sending with your MCU compared to the EV2400 and bqStudio.
Wyatt Keller