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LM25037-Q1: open loop and max duty cycle

Part Number: LM25037-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25037


my customer wants to design push-pull converter with the following parameters: Vin=16V +/-3% Vout=25V Pout=2W

he wants to use the LM25037-Q1 in open loop with FB=GND and COMP pin left open.

He sized the transformer considering 50% max duty cycle. 

does the lm25037 good fit for customer application ? i don't see how to program max duty cycle.



  • Hi Paul! 

    Thank you for reaching out and for your support of our LM25037 device! Grounding the FB pin and leaving the COMP pin open is a valid configuration for running the LM25037 in an open-loop mode. The max duty cycle and the dead time between OUTA and OUTB are both programmed by the designers choice of RT1 and RT2, see section 7.4.3 of the datasheet for the exact equations. 

    Thanks again for getting in touch, I hope this information helps! 

    Aidan Davidson