Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28951, UCC28950, UCC28250, UC2825
Hello team,
My customer has a related question with the following E2E.
The schematics of the customer is as almost same as the above E2E. The answer this thread is that "the error amplifier is confirgured as a voltage follower so the EAOUT is following the NI (EA+). So if you the NI is not consistent, the duty cycle will be changed accordingly because the duty cycle is controlled by the EAOUT. You should keep the EAOUT consistent if you want the duty cycle consistent."
However it is hard for the customer to keep EA+ consistent because there is noise that is difficult to get rid of in EA+.
In this case, in realizing feedback control with UC3875, is it possible to make the circuit when using an error amplifier other than the voltage follower?
Would you please advise?
Best Regards,
Akihisa Tamazaki