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TPIC71002-Q1: Running diagnostic tests periodically

Part Number: TPIC71002-Q1

Hi TI,

my company is currently writing software for TPIC71002-Q1 and I have a few questions regarding running diagnostic tests.
In one of our e-mail correspondence you mentioned tests like High side switch, Low side switch tests should be run on start-up, while voltage VA1, VA2, VZx measurements,  leakage on Zx/ZMx pins, resistance of the load between Zx and ZMx pins measurements should be done periodically.

Correct me if I'm wrong but according to Table 11. on page 43 of datasheet each test requires particular configuration (values) to be written to register DSC in order for that test to run (column TEST CONFIGURATION REGISTER SETTINGS DSC [7:0]). It also says that DSC register can only be changed in IM1 (Configuration stage).

So lets say we want to periodically run VA1, VA2, VZx, Squib resistance and leakage measurements. We do device initialization, run HSS, LSS tests in IM1 mode, then go to IM2 mode.
We run tests: VA1, VA2, VZx measurements are independent of DSC register value and there is no problem, but if we want to do both squib resistance and leakage measurement tests there is problem because they require different values of DSC register, as mentioned earlier (Table 11.). Does that mean we cannot run those 2 tests periodically in IM2?

If this is so, one solution would be to stay in IM1 (configuration stage) and run periodically tests from there. And when activation is required, go to IM2 and then WM. But then again, what is the use of Diagnostic stage (IM2) if we cannot run different tests from there?


  • Hi Mario,

    Let me look into this question and I will get back to you 12/17/20.


    Aaron Goodson

  • Hi Mario,

    I agree that it makes the most sense to stay in IM1 to do the diagnostic tests. Otherwise you will have to reset the TPIC device to move back from IM2 to IM0 and back to IM1 to write to the DSC registers.  When this device was designed some years ago for squib drivers in air bag applications, this type of state machine was required. 

    Diagnostic tests can be done in both IM1 and IM2. So it may make more sense to stay in IM1 and only transition to IM2 when you want to move to work mode.

