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BQ24232H: BQ24232HRGTR output voltage

Part Number: BQ24232H


We are planning to use BQ24232HRGTR battery charger. I have few query:

1. If battery voltage is let us day 3.3V and then we connected power adapter at input to charge the battery then what will be the battery charger output at that time?

2. If power adapter is connected then what output will battery charger IC will give?

  • Hi,

    SONU GOYAL said:
    If battery voltage is let us day 3.3V and then we connected power adapter at input to charge the battery then what will be the battery charger output at that time?

    The battery charge output will be the current that is set by the ISET pin.

    SONU GOYAL said:
    If power adapter is connected then what output will battery charger IC will give?

    The output will be regulated to 4.5V