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Quiescent current for PTH08080W

I am using this for 5.0v output and with no (zero) load I measured 26mA of quiescent current.

a) Is this normal ?

b) How does this current change as load increases up to 2A (5v output) ?

c) Is this quiescent current counted in the efficiency graphs in Figure 2 in data sheet ?


  • a.The PTH08080 quiescent current no  load is about 26mA with 5Vin and 12Vin.

    b. When the output  current is increased to 2A, the  input current increases 

    Formula =Iin ( Input current)=  (output voltage x Output current )/(Input voltage x Efficiency %) efficiency is derived from typical characteristics in data sheet

    Input current= (5Vx2A)/ (12V x0.92) = 0.90A input current .

    c. The quiescent is included in the efficiency graphs.