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TPS68470: Can HCLK_A output 19.2M Hz Frequency?

Part Number: TPS68470

Dear TI member,

We are using TI/TPS68470YFFR and have below question


(1)Could HCLK_A pin of TI/TPS68470YFFR output 19.2M Hz?

(2)Would you mind to let us know how to set it?

2.TI/TPS68470YFFR is implement for rear camera application.

TI/TPS68470YFFR has two I2C ports. One connects to rear camera and the other one connects to CPU(Host) I2C port

We are using Pin C6(GPIO5) be GPO pin to be Camera_Indication_LED control. When rear camera operation, Pin C6(GPIO5) output high in order to enabled Camera_Indication_LED.

(1)Does it set by I2C of CPU(Host) side or ?

(2)Would you mind to let us know how to set it?

Thank you.

  • Hi,


    (1) Yes it is possible to output 19.2 MHz on HCKL_A by configuring PLLDIV (address 0x0B and 0x0C), XTALDIV (address 0x0A), and POSTDIV (address 0x0C) registers.

    (2) To output 19.2 MHz on HCKL_A, calculate the register values listed above based on your input oscillator or clock frequency. The output frequency is calculated as follows, where Fin is the input clock/oscillator frequency:

    Fout = Fin * (PLLDIV[8:0] + 320) / (XTALDIV[7:0] + 30) * 1 / POSTDIV[1:0]

    After configuring these register values, set MODE_A = '10' (spread spectrum disabled) or '11' (ispread spectrum enabled) in the CLKCFG1 (address 0x0F) register to enable the PLL and HCLK_A output. 


    (1) Yes, the CPU I2C is used to configure the TPS68470 to output GPIO5 high. 

    (2) First, configure GPIO5 as an output for your application via GPCTL5A (address 0x1E) and GPCTL5B (address 0x1F) registers. Then, set GPIO5 = '1' in the GPDO (address 0x27) register to output a high on GPIO5. To output low again, set the GPIO5 bit = '0'. 

