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UCD90160A: Re-sequence Issue

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD90160A

t Number: UCD90160A


UCD90160A has been used on our E7-2 line card, the schematics and configuration firmware of UCD90160A  are attached. We’ve met an issue, 3V3 is disappeared, but all the other rails are still good. And looked at the signals on the board, UCD90160A itself power supply is good, and all the other power rails are good, and UCD90160A drove a low 3V3 enable signal (3V3_PS_EN ) to 3V3 converter, that means UCD90160A disable the 3V3 converter. The questions are:

1. Since 3V3 is low, why UCD90160A hasn’t re-sequenced the power rails?

2. What’s the possible reasons that UCD90160A disable 3V3 converter, the 3V3 dependency, 0V95 and 0V9 are fine. and 2V5 and 1V8 have the same dependency as 3V3, and both 2V5 and 1V8 are good on the card.

Some signals are tested, and highlighted below:


DC(V) tested with digital multimeter in DC mode

AC(mV)tested with digital multimeter in AC mode





Low voltage




Why PMON shut down 3V3 only, have tested two test point, one is close to PMON, the other is on 3V3 Converter ZL6106, both are low




Low indicates 3V3 is not good




PMON power supply is good




Since 3V3 is 1.12V, PMON_3V3 is 0.7V




High means, PMON power good LED is off -DS11 is off




Since 3V3 is low, that generates a low PMON_PORST_N--DS13 is on in RED




Since 3V3 is low, that generates a low PMON_SYS_FPGA_GRST_N




This is good, system FPGA hasn't driven CPU power on reset

All the other power rails






  • Hello

    Could you take a snapshot of the system monitor when the 3V3 is low. with the system monitor I can see all the rail status which may give some hints

    There are couples things to improve in the configuration

    1. For the rail#12(0.9V), it does not have any fault shutdown slave. So  the resequencing in the fault response of the rail#12 shall not be enabled. For a single rail, restart(retry) shall be used instead of resequencing

    #2. for the rail#16, it does not have fault response set. so rail#16 shall not be fault shutdown slave of any rail. It does not make sense have it. 

    #3. under Global Configuration->Misc Configs-.Re-sequencing options. Rail#1 and Rail#16 shall not selected under the re-sequence rails mask since those two rails are not part of resequencing operation.



  • HI Yihe

    The connector is not installed on the board, and also the card is not in our Lab, we could not access the UCD90160A through TI dongle. I'd also like to see the registers of UCD90160A.

    To the questions about improvement:

    1. 0V9 is not used on this board, and it is divided from 3V3_PM, this power rail is used by UCD90160A only, if this power supply(3V3_PM) is gone, UCD90160A can't re-start the power rail. I agree in logic, it should be re-start instead of re-sequence. But it should be no difference for this application.

    2. Rail #16(BP_PWR), is backplane power, there are two cards in the chassis, both of them could drive this power rail, it doesn't have fault response configuration, but we like UCD90160A to record the fault. Its If the power fault shutdown slave is not checked, UCD90160A will record the power fault when other rails failed. BP_PWR if from 3V3 on board.

    3. Because rail #16 power fault shutdown slave is checked under other rails for the reason above, it need be masked here, and 5V mask could not be removed, we think there is no side effect, so we just mask 5V too, does it have any side effect?

    I still like to know what the possible reason for this case, we could not understand it

    1. Since 3V3 is low, why UCD90160A hasn’t re-sequenced the power rails per configuration?

    2. What’s the possible reasons that UCD90160A disable 3V3 converter? the 3V3 dependency, 0V95 and 0V9 are fine.

    Is there any configuration not correctly?



  • Hi

    I do not see anything special which may cause what you observed.. 

    System monitor can tell the status of all rails. from there, i may get some hints why 3V3 stays off?

    Do you have a way to duplicate this in your lab? is this at low temp or high temp environment? Will be any soldering issue due to temperature?



  • Hi Yihe

    I can't reproduce this issue in our lab, if there is a 3V3 fault, UCD90160A will generate a re-sequence when I simulate the 3V3 fault in Lab.

    The chassis is in the house, I think it should be under room temperature. I will double confirm it.

    For the soldering issue, even it's not soldered well, for example 3V3 enable signal(3V3_PS_EN), then UCD90160A should noticed the 3V3 gone, and I think UCD90160A already knew 3V3 gone, because these signals behavior

    • Signal PMON_PG_LED_N is high, that means there should be one POL is not good,S
    • Signal PMON_PORST_N, PMON_SYS_FPGA_GRST_N are low, that also means there shoud be one POL is not good

    Since UCD90160A noticed 3V3 fault, why it didn't re-sequence the others? and all the other power rails should be gone too.

    PS: I've simulated 3V3 fault, through E-load over current; or short 3V3 enable signal(3V3_PS_EN) to GND, or create a fake 3V3 fault on UCD90160A pin 2(3V3 monitor pin), UCD90160A will re-sequence for the fault above.



  • Hi Yihe

    It's in house, and temperature is about 25 to 30C, it's not cold or hot.


  • Yihe,

    We are seeing similar issues on multiple cards in multiple customer locations.  I do not believe we are seeing soldering or environmental issues.  This appears to be the UCD90160A not performing as we expect.  Perhaps we have not configured the device properly or could there be noise or incorrect design which is causing these behaviors?

    We are seeing what appears to be two types of faulty UCD90160A behavior

    1) Not re-sequencing the power rails when there is a out of spec power rail (has happened on different rails)

    2) The UCD90160A appears to randomly shut down a power rail (as described in this ticket).


    Jose Enciso

    Sr. Dir, hdw eng

  • Hi 

    Thank you for the updating of the temperature.

    Based on descriptions, it is hard to know where the source of the fault is from? is 3v3V down due to its own fault or be fault shutdown slave of other rails' fault?

    Have you able to remove access the board? 



  • Hi 

    This issue has been identified. The configuration of the 3V3 rail had been changed from AUTO to CONTROL+OPERATION resulting in 3V3 rail off. 

