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LM2734: Boost to SW voltage

Part Number: LM2734

Hello team,

My customer in using LM2734Y in their design(12Vin, 5Vout, 0.6A) and evaluated the device operation.

They found voltage between BOOST and SW is about 7V for 1ms during power-up and exceeds absolute max rating which is 6V. Please see below O'scope capture and its CSV data.

Yellow: BOOST, Green: SW, Red: Vin(12V), Blue: Vout(5V).

LM2734_start up_zoom2_print_24.csv

They use LMK105BJ105KV-F capacitor for Cboost between Boost and SW.

Could you let me know below questions?

  1. Will the 1ms over voltage cause immediate damage to the device?
  2. If device will get damaged due to the over voltage event, what failure mode can be?
  3. How do we improve the boost-sw voltage?

Best regards,