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BQ79616-Q1: bq79616-Q1 application in ebike

Part Number: BQ79616-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ79616, BQ76PL455A, EMB1499Q, EMB1428Q

Hi Sir,

My customer consider uses bq79616 in ebike application, would you pls advise block diagram as below is make sense?

One more question, if it need to have bq79600 connect to MCU?

Or can not uses bq79600?

Thanks, Ian.

  • Ian,

    It is not required to use the bq79600, but it is an option to use as bridge interface to the MCU. More info on the benefits can be found on the bq79600 product folder page. We do not typically recommend designing with the EMB devices especially if not in tandem with the bq76pl455a. Can you explain why the design would use these devices and not just use the integrated passive cell balancing FETs on the bq79616?



  • Hi Taylor : 

    On the active balance frame (BQ76PL455A=EMB1428Q + EMB1499Q) in the Ti EM1402 EVM file, if BQ79616 can be used to replace the BQ76PL455A function, use GPIO PIN control EMB1428Q=EMB1499Q to achieve active balance???

    My team hopes to use BQ79616 instead of BQ76PL455A to actively balance with EMB1428Q+EMB1499Q. This will be an advantage of the product, it can achieve greater balance current.

    thanks lan help~~~

  • Hi Sir,

    Customer still thinking which solution will be better.

    Does BQ79616 likes BQ76P455 can use GPIO control EMB1428Q*3+EMB1499*1 for active cell balancing?

    Thanks, Ian.

  • Hi Ian,

    As I mentioned we cannot recommend bq79616 with EMB devices as we did not design/validate testing with EMB so our support would be very limited if the customer wants to go that route. They are welcome to test themselves to determine but we would not guarantee performance. All of our support material and GUI are made to work with the bq76pl455a.I highly recommend using passive balancing if possible.

