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TPS92682-Q1: Request Example S/W Code(TPS92518-Q1, TPS92682-Q1, TPS92682-Q1)

Part Number: TPS92682-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92518-Q1, , TPS92518

Hi Team,

The customer is requesting an example communication code for control of three products.

Can you share the example code?

TPS92518-Q1, TPS92682-Q1, TPS92682-Q1

  • There are only 2 parts listed in the question TPS92518 and TPS92682.

    For 518 please the data sheet section 8.6 at the following link.

    For 682 use this as an example of how to build a frame.

    Uint16 assembleSPICmd_682(Uint16 write, Uint16 address, Uint8 data)
        Uint16 assembledCmd = 0; // Build this to shift through parity calculation
        Uint16 parity = 0; // Parity bit calculated here
        Uint16 packet = 0; // This will be what we send
            assembledCmd |= 0x8000; // Set CMD = 1
        assembledCmd |= (((address << 9) & 0x7E00) | (Uint16)(data & 0x00FF));
        packet = assembledCmd;
        // Calculate parity
        while(assembledCmd > 0)
            // Count the number of 1s in the LSb
            if(assembledCmd & 0x0001)
            // Shift right
            assembledCmd >>= 1;
        // If the LSb is a 0 (even # of 1s), we need to add the odd parity bit
        if(!(parity & 0x0001))
            packet |= (1 << 8);