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BQ20Z45-R1: How to reset logged data for replacing battery cells

Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EV2400, BQSTUDIO

Looking for how to go about resetting the BQ20Z45-R1 to have its counters and logs back to zero for new cells replacing the old bad cells on a board using this processor. 

Primary interest is cycle count and time, but I'm sure there are some other important data points that would also need reset to allow for new cells to function like new cells and not get flagged as being depleted because of logged data from previous cells that have been removed. 

  • Hello Ryan,

    The best way to start with new cells is uploading the golden image file that was used to originally program the gauge for the batteries, this will clear all of the lifetime based registers and reset the Ra and Qmax values to what they were with a new battery.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Wyatt,

    Thanks for your reply!  What if I don't have the golden image file? I didn't set these boards up, but I'm trying to allow them to function properly again with new cells, which is where I ran into the issue with the saved states on the processor for the gauge functionality stating these have reached effectively the end of their life.

    Is there a way to connect to it with the EV2400 and send a command or something to just reset those couple data points back to zero? I was about to buy one to start testing things, but I thought better of it thinking the processors may be locked down in some manner that would make that ultimately a worthless  investment. 

    Ryan Lewis

  • Hello Ryan,

    The gauge may be sealed, this would prevent you from writing any data to the gauge. You would need an EV2400 to do any testing though, unless you are using an MCU on the communication lines to write the values. We always recommend using the TI toolchain because it is reliable which can help with debug you know it's not the communication that is the issue.

    If you do not have the original file you would need to re-run the learning cycle, you could do this by resetting the update status and clearing any lifetime data in bqStudio.


    Wyatt Keller