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TPS62160-Q1: Difference between TPS62160QDSGRQ1 and TPS62160DSGR

Part Number: TPS62160-Q1

Hello team,

I would like to ask you questions about the difference of thermal resistance, VOUT accuracy between TPS62160QDSGRQ1 and TPS62160DSGR.

- Thermal resistance

In the data sheet, it appears that products without Q1 have a lower thermal resistance than products with Q1.
Both has the same WSON package and the same electrical specifications, so wouldn't the thermal resistance be the same too?

- VOUT Initial output voltage accuracy
It was specified in datasheet 7.5 that Q1 product with COUT=22uF x2, and Q1 by COUT=22uF. What makes this difference?

Best Regards,

Ryotaro Fukui

  • Ryotaro,

    Thermal Resistance:

    Even though both devices are technically in the same package, this does not mean they are identical.  In this particular case, these devices are assembled in different locations which use slightly different materials, and this difference in materials is what results in the difference in these thermal parameters.

    Please note however, that thermal resistance is not a monitored or controlled parameter, and the values in the DS are only intended to reflect typical performance (ie on average the non Q device should run ~10% cooler than the Q rated device), but this will vary for part to part and lot to lot due to manufacturing variations

    Vout Accuracy:

    These values reflect the test conditions that this parameter has been measured under.  I do not know why the development team chose these values at the time, but it stands to reason that if you only used 1x 22uF for the "Q" device, you could see an additonal -0.5% of error in Vout due to the increase ripple voltage.



  • Hi Matt,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    I am going to remember this knowledge since it seems that it could be used for many other devices too.

    And I got a reply from the customer that their question has been solved and would like to declared this case closed.

    Thank you for the help.


  • Hi Ryotaro,

    Thanks for confirmation. We will close this thread.


  • Hi,

    Thank you for the feedbacks earlier.

    A customer has additional checks for these two devices and asks if they can consider the features to be exactly identical except for thermal which you mentioned before.

    If there is a difference between the two devices, it would be helpful if you could tell me.


  • Hi Ryotaro,

    Yes, customer's understanding is correct.



  • Hi Nancy,

    Sorry for the late reply. And thank you for confirmation.

    Their concern is now solved and this thread is closed once again.

