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TPS6594-Q1: Datasheet for PTPS659413F0RWERQ1

Part Number: TPS6594-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP-01020, DRA821, TIDEP-01022


Customer would like to receive a private document for PTPS659413F0RWERQ1 even they found a document of TPS6594-Q1 from  the link below.

Could you please let me know if a private(dedicated) document is available for PTPS659413F0RWERQ1 which can be provided to customer?

In addition, 

Is the device behavior determined by NVM settings? TPS6594-Q1 has three variants such like PTPS659411F0RWERQ1, PTS659413F0RWERQ1 and PTPS659414F4RWERQ1. But I could not figure device specific part among them.

Please clarify above. private document and NVM settings required?


  • Hello,

         The TPS6594-Q1 device is released and can be found on  Functional safety documentation is still found on MySecure.  Please request access through the business representative.

        Yes.  Device behavior is determined by the NVM settings.  These behaviors are described in the respective user guides.



  • Hi Chris 

    Thanks for clarification. 

    I am a business representative as a technical sales account manager for the customer. Do I need invite representative sales guy as well?

    Please let me know where to request access.

    Customer needs PTPS659413F0RWERQ1 specific document which describe details rather than common behaviour. 

  • Hello, 

        Yes, you would need to be granted access by the business unit.  The PTPS659413 is not recommended now that the device has been released.  Please move to the released silicon:





  • Hi Crhis.

    Customer has found PTPS659413 from TIDEP-01020 reference design even though We recommended them to use DRA821SOM EVM which use dual PMIC solution. 

    And Could you please let me know the release date estimated of PTPS659413 device?


  • Hello,

      The PTP659413 is not the correct part number.  This is intended for the TDA4VM and will be replaced with the new devices.  



  • Hi Chris.

    Could you please let me know the recommended PMIC for DRA821 Gateway design as of now?

    i.e PTPS659414F4RWERQ1, P876441A1RQKRQ1

    Is there any alternatives for above devices? Customer would like to design with single PMIC and discrete BUCKs like TIDEP-01022 reference design.


  • Hi Chris, 

    If TPS65941212 and TPS65941111 could be replacement for PTPS659413. Is it possible for TPS65941212 or TPS65941111  to have same behavior with TPS659413 using PTPS659413's (NVM?) Setting.

    Customer would like to clarify whether they are able to get TPS659413's Setting to override device's functionality if they choose a PMIC btw TPS65941212 and TPS65941111, 


  • Hello,

    Please accept a delay in Chris's reply until Monday.

    Best regards,

    Layne J

  • Hi Layne J

    Thanks for your reply. willing to wait for reply 

    To sum up this ticket.

    • We firstly recommended customer to use dual PMIC which were applied to DRA821SOM EVM. i.e. PTPS659414F4RWERQ1, P876441A1RQKRQ1.

    • However their H/W designer would like to have single PMIC solution like TIDEP-01022. then he picked up PTPS659413FORWERQ1 from the BOM list.

    • And they requested the private document for the device what they selected. However TI does not recommend the device for DRA821 which has not released to market..

    • If the device would not be available for the customer, Please let us know the alternatives for single PMIC and discrete BUCKs if any.

    • And please also clarify TPS65941212 or TPS65941111 are able to have same behavior with PTPS659413FORQERQ1 if NVM Setting is applied appropriately.


  • Hello,

        The PTPS659413FORWERQ1 device was incorrectly identified in the TIDEP-01022.  Please reach out to the author of that document to receive clarification.  The function of the PTPS659413FORWERQ1 is described here.  This is a dual PMIC solution and if the secondary PMIC is not present the PTPS659413FORWERQ1 will not power sequence correctly. 

      Please refer to the PDN descriptions found here.



  • Hi Chris

    Thanks for your clarification.

    Customer will design their prototype using DRA821SOM-EVM with dual PMIC. But they will try to replace dual PMIC with discrete BUCKS and LDOs later. Thanks.