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TPS24710: Timing chart for behavior of EN pin

Part Number: TPS24710


Could you please show me the timing chart for the behavior of EN pin regarding "Turnoff time", "Deglitch time" and "Turn on delay" in the following cases(case1 and case2) ?

Case 1.

Case 2.

Best regards,

  • Kato,

    Case 1 is the same as figure 2 in the DS. Case 2 has not been characterized as turn on delay isn't normally a design concern and is much smaller as normal power up Vgate rise. It will be in the same general range as for Enable power up as with the Vcc POR shown in case 2. Best for you to check out on an EVM and use a +/- 50% window for tolerance to account for IC-IC and temp differences. Keep in mind that figure 1 and figure 3 also account for Vgate capacitance impact on pulling the gate low when you look at its timing. Pull down on figure 3 (fast trip) is very strong (1A) so Crss has only a small impact. Figure 2 looks at the sourcing current (I-gate) turn on timing. Vgate will lag this.

  • Hi Brian-san,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a clear understanding of the meaning of "Deglitch time".
    So, could you please draw the timing chart for "Deglitch time" ?

    Best regards,

  • Kato,

    De glitch is a period of time where the internal circuit ignores the input.  This prevents nusiance triggering that you would not want to happen in a transient environment.


  • Hi Brian-san,

    Thank you for your response.

    I understood.

    Best regards,