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TPS2000C: Reverse current blocking

Part Number: TPS2000C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2553

The TPS2000C datasheet details 'reverse current blocking when disabled' as a feature in the overview section. Can this device--or any other similar 2A-limited USB switches--be used to allow reverse current with minimal voltage drop? I'm looking for a single, inexpensive device to provide current limiting from IN to OUT while allowing current (with or without limit) from OUT to IN.

  • Hi, Bryan,

    You need the device allow current from OUT to IN even the device is disabled?

    Most of our power switch allow current from OUT to IN when enabled and will block current from OUT to IN when Disabled, like TPS2000C.
    Some device block current from OUT to IN at both enable and disable condition, like TPS2553.

    If you really need part allow current from OUT to IN when disabled, I suggest you use a diode from OUT to IN.

  • Hi Bob,

    We need to limit current when IN is sourcing to OUT, and allow reverse current when OUT is sourcing to IN (current limit not needed). Would it be possible to tie the enable to ground to allow this function with our TPS2000C? The block diagram shows the FET body connected to ground. Without the body diode from OUT to IN, would we need to add a small diode from OUT to IN to source the charge pump, etc so the FET can be turned on?



  • Hi, Bryan,

    The internal FET is actual back to back FET. So current can't flow from OUT to IN when part is disabled.

    You can tie enable pin to ground and supply Vin, at this condition, TPS2000c will be enabled, current will be limited from IN to OUT, and allow current from OUT to IN without current limit. I think this is what you need.


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