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BQ24725A: The voltage on HIDRV

Part Number: BQ24725A


I'm using BQ24725A. Sometimes the voltage on HIDRV will become high. This will cause the IC to enter the protection status. Please see the attachment for details.

My question is: Why the voltage on HIDRV will become high, but not many pulses?


Kevin Xiong

  • Hi Kevin,

    Please describe your test conditions in detail so I can try to duplicate this behavior on an EVM. For example, are you using an EVM or your own circuit? What is your adapter voltage, and what kind of battery are you using? What are your charge current and charge voltage register settings? Is there any system load connected?

    Your waveform doesn't provide much context on what's going on, so please capture a waveform showing SW, HIDRV, and LODRV. It would be helpful to see a bigger picture waveform of the overall switching behavior as well as a zoom-in on any areas where HIDRV is behaving unexpectedly.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Angelo,

    The adapter is 12.5V/1.5A and the battery is 3s 3200mAh. I guess that the over current causes this issue. But I don't know why the system is over current and why the hidrv pin remains high. Please refer the schematic and configuration as attachment.

    So could you please give me some advices?


    Kevin Xiong

  • Hi Angelo,

    The adapter is 12.5V/1.5A and the battery is 3s 3200mAh. I guess that the over current causes this issue. But I don't know why the system is over current and why the hidrv pin remains high. Please refer the schematic and configuration as attachment.

    So could you please give me some advices?


    Kevin Xiong

  • Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for that information.

    One issue I see is that your charge voltage is set to 12.6 V for 3-cell Li-ion charging, but your adapter voltage is only 12.5 V. The BQ24725A is a buck charger, so the adapter voltage must be higher than your charge voltage. Therefore, you will need a higher voltage adapter to charge your 3s battery.

    Best regards,
