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TPS3808: one question about the delay time of TPS3808

Part Number: TPS3808


Cusotmer uses TPS3808 and found the delay time with below equation is not well matching the electrical table on datasheet.

for example,  when CT=180nF, the typical delay time should be 1.03nS with equaiton 1, but the typcial dealy time is 1.2nS in 

the table.  Also the typcial delay time is same for CT=180nF and CT=100nF in the table. 

Customer wants to know why? Can you help to check and give some comments?  Thanks.

  • Hi Oliver,

    In general, the equations that are made for the datasheet are made from a design perspective and could differ from the actual characterization values that are measured for the electrical characteristics table. This is also why we specify a range (0.7s to 1.7s). There are factors that could vary this value a bit (capacitor tolerance values, board design, temperature) but it should fall between this range. The calculated value (1.029s) thus does fall in this range.

    To your second question, I believe this is a misunderstanding as if you look to the unit column to the right, the RESET delay time for 100 pF is 1.25 milliseconds and for 100 nF this is 1.2 seconds.

