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BQ27520-G4: Update status change from 0 to 2 during learning cycle

Part Number: BQ27520-G4


I have done a learning cycle for BQ27520-G4 but observed a abnormal behavior. After the battery was fully charged, I let it relax for a few hours. But I noticed that the Update Status register changed from 0 to 2 during the relaxation period.  The chemID is provided using the GPC tool.

Any advice on the abnormal behavior I observed? Thanks. 

I have attached the data log file.  Data.xlsx

  • HI

    That is not abnormal behavior. You achieve update status of 02 if the battery has learnt. It is likely you may have had a resistance update occur before qmax update hence update status going from 00 to 02.



  • Thanks Onyx.

    I compared and found that only the values in Ra0 Table and Ra0x Table changes after the learning cycle. The values in Ra0 Default and Ra1 Default remain unchanged. Am I right to say my data are good to be used for the golden file? Should I copy the value in Ra0 Table to Ra0 Default, Ra1 Default, Ra1 Table, Ra0x and Ra1x Table?

    Also, I just need to change all the "Update Status" value to "2"?    

    What is the function/difference between Ra0 Default, Ra0 Table and Ra0x Table? I could not find any description in the TRM. Thanks.

  • hi Dan

    Yes, copy the ra tables as you described. and change all the update status to 02.


    The TRM contains info on battery insertion. The gauge determines which table to use based on OCV measurement and initial Resistance calculation. The default ra never updates while the other two profiles are what is used based on on two battery profiles. The TRM touches on this



  • Hi Onyx,

    Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.