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TPS65130: Recommended TI part for split voltage power supply

Part Number: TPS65130
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65131


Hi, I'm developing a circuit for guitar including an OPA1641 as pre-amp, and 2 buffer stages. My design will require +/-15V, generated from +9V (or 3.3-5V if required, those voltages will be available on the design too). In terms of power for those stages, the requirements are not completely defined yet, but they will be under 300mA.     

I made a similar question at, and they made some recommendations and suggested to touch base in this forum.

I was considering to use the TPS65130 but they mentioned it could be too noisy for this audio application, and it would require further filtering, by a passive LC or by using a dual output LDO. Since space could represent another constraint (I mean, the extra filtering would require additional parts), could you please recommend an approach on this matter? Maybe some application note. We could also lower the split voltage to +-12V instead of +/-15V if that represents an issue, so maybe you can recommend a more appropriate converter.


  • Hi Francisco,

    Thanks for your question. Let me contact the expert for this part. You can expect a response by 12/10/19.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Francisco,

    TPS65130/131 are correct devices for split rail supply application that you described but these devices have two switching converters in them. As is normal with switching converters, there will some switching noise that may impact audio performance. My suggestion will be to get an EVM for TPS65131 and test it to see if the amount of switching noise is acceptable in your application. If not, post regulation filtering with passives or LDO will be inevitable.

    Kind Regards,
