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LP5036: Current-limiting resistors?

Part Number: LP5036

Apologies if this is answered in the datasheet, but it's not entirely clear to me. When using the LP5036 with RGB LEDs, do we also need current-limiting resistors, or does setting the IREF value properly ensure that the LEDs won't go out of control?

(If it makes a difference, I'm using 4.4v supply to the LEDs, and R, G, B channels have 1.9v, 3.3v, 3.3v forward voltage respectively. So I was putting resistors between the LED cathodes and the LP5036 channels using standard calculations (120, 56, 56 ohms), but dropping 36 parts off my BOM would certainly be nice.)

Thanks very much for any help.

  • Hi,

    Yes resistor between IREF and GND is necessary. Maximum output current is controlled by it. For the proper value, you can find the detail equation at page 18 section 8.3.3 of datasheet. It depends on the output current you want to set.

    For the resistors between LED cathodes and channels, it is suggest left around 0.5V at channel pins, because the saturation voltage at output pins is around 0.4V and it should be satisfy to ensure output current accuracy. Also it is OK not use them.

  • I'm not sure I understand. Between the LED cathodes and the channel pins, should I use a resistor as normal (given the standard resistor LED calculation), omit a resistor, or use a resistor that leaves an extra 0.5V of forward voltage?

    I am aware that the IREF resistor is necessary, and that's already in my schematic.

    Thanks very much for your help.

  • Hi,

    The easiest way is not adding the resistor between LED cathodes and channel pins. The LED current was set by IC so resistors have no function here.

    VLED (in your case is 4.4V) is equal to Voltage on channel pins + Voltage drop on resistor + LED forward voltage. Voltage on channels should at least be 0.4V when calculating the resistors value.