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TPS546D24A: TPS546D24A

Part Number: TPS546D24A

Hi Texas Instruments Customer Support

Thank you for your support, I have some questions for TPS546D24A, thanks.

Please see the attached file. Thanks


Texas Instruments Questions 20200710.docxRichard


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    1. If I want to select Address(0x10h(16d)), I will set resistor to AGND (Code 0), but divider code have a lot of (16-31),

    How can I set it? thanks.


    The ADRSEL to BP1V5 resistor selects the SYNC to internal oscillator phase shift, and the direction of the SYNC pin's function.  You will want to select it depending what you want to do with the SYNC pin.


    Condition (1Phase power)?


    SYNC is available, but not required on 1-phase or "Stand Alone" power where a single device provides the output. 

    • If you are not using SYNC in a single phase configuration, you can leave the ADRSEL to BP1V5 resistor open.
    • If you are planning to use an external clock to synchronize the TPS546D24A's switching frequency, select one of the SYNC_IN options corresponding to the phase position you would like it to switch at. (0, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270).  If you are synchronizing multiple TPS546D24A devices to the same external clock, it is generally preferred to phase shift them in time so that their switching noise and input current pulses spread out in time.
    • If you are planning to use the SYNC output of the TPS546D24A to synchronize another circuit to the TPS546D24A, including other TPS546D24A devices, select one of the SYNC_OUT options.  Two phase positions are available - 0 and 180 degrees. 


    Condition (2Phase power)?

    • In a 2, 3, or 3-phase configuration SYNC is required to ensure all of the devices operate at the same clock frequency.
    • Slave devices are automatically configured for SYNC_IN and have their phase positions set by the MSEL2 pin, so their ADRSEL pin is ignored.
    • Master Devices are forced to switch at phase Position 0, but can be set to SYNC_IN, to synchronize to an external clock, or SYNC_OUT to generate the SYNC clock for the slave devices.
    • If an external clock will not be provided, the Master Device should be programmed to SYNC_OUT by selecting any code from 12-15
    • If an external clock will be provided, the Master Device should be programmed to SYNC_IN by selecting any code from 0-11, but the multi-phase stack will not start switching until after the external SYNC clock is available to all devices.

  • Hi Texas Instruments Customer Support

    Thank you for your support,could you help me?

    I have new  questions for TPS546D24A, thanks.

    Please see the attached file. Thanks



    Texas Instruments Questions 20200713.docx


    Please include your questions in the text of your response and not in an attachment, which does not allow for searching.  If you wish to copy from Microsoft Word, you can use the "Paste from Word" button in the reply tools bar

    Thank you for your support, I have some questions for TPS546D24A address, thanks.


    V01~V05 is 1Phase power.

    If I will set FPGA to control the V01 V02 V03 V04 V05 on the same PMBUS.

    Address condition

    V01=0x11h (17d)

    V02=0x21h (33d)

    V03=0x15h (21d)

    V04=0x25h (21d)

    V05=0x48h (72d)


    Could you help me?

    How can I set it? thanks.

    The TPS546D24A PMBus Address is programmed through the ADRSEL pin (Pin 31) with a combination of the resistor to ground and the resistor divider.  The relevant chart is table 15.

    V01=0x11h (17d)  Select Resistor to AGND code 1 with an EVEN (0,2,4..14) divider code

    V02=0x21h (33d) Select Resistor to AGND code 1 (same resistor as above), with an ODD (1,3,5..15) divider code

    V03=0x15h (21d) Select Resistor to AGND code 5 with an EVEN divider code

    V04=0x25h (21d 37d) Select Resistor to AGND code 5 with an ODD divider code

    V05=0x48h (72d) Select Resistor to AGND code 8 with an ODD divider code.

    Resistor to Ground resistor for code 1 and 5, along with the divider codes, are given in table 17 while code 8 is given in table 18.

    For Resistor to Ground code 1, the Pin to AGND resistor is 5.62kOhms (circled in red)

    For Resistor to Ground code 5, the Pin to AGND resistor is 12.1kOhms (circled in blue)

    The Pin to BP1V5 resistors to select EVEN divider codes with 5.62kOhms in table 17 are circled in green.  Which resistor you want to select depends on how you want the SYNC pin configured.

    The resistor for pin to ground code 8 is 21.5k (circled in red) and the resistor to BP1V5 for ODD divider codes are circled in green.

    Assuming you want to synchronize all of the devices to a common clock to reduce input voltage noise, select one of the VR devices to be SYNC_OUT, I will use your V01

    The Even divider code for SYNC_OUT with 0 phase position is code 12, so the ADRSEL pin of V01 would have 5.62kOhms to AGND and 1.54kOhms to BP1V5

    Now, selecting SYNC_IN for the other rails, the ADRSEL to BP1V5 resistors would be:

    V02: SYNC_IN, 90 Degrees, Divider Code 3 under 5.62kOhms : 11.0kOhms

    V03: SYNC_IN, 120 Degrees, Divider Code 4 under 12.1kOhms: 18.7kOhms

    V04: SYNC_IN, 180 Degrees, Divider Code 7 under 12.1kOhms: 10.0kOhms

    V05: SYNC_IN, 270 Degrees, Divider Code 11 under 21.5kOhms: 7.50kOhms

    There is also a useful tool available - which allows you to select the desired address and SYNC configurations through drop-down menus, and it calculated the required resistor values.