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TPS62740: TPS62740 enable

Part Number: TPS62740

Dear team,

Customer use TPS62740. When pass ESD test, there is some probability that no output.

Customer tried to add resistor between Vin and EN and still no output. Only they power down VIN and enable that the output become normal. The power supply of Vin is battery, voltage between 3.8V to 4V.

Here is schematic and PCB.


Best regards,


  • Hi Sammi,

    The schematic and layout looks fine.

    Could you please double check the pin voltages at all times? Also, what is the load current and device output current? It would be helpful if you share all the measurement plots as well.



  • Hi Sammi,

    Do you have some updates to share?



  • Hi Febin,

    Could you please double check the pin voltages at all times?

    VIN, EN3.8V

    OUT,SW: about 0.2V.



    Also, what is the load current and device output current?

    When tps62740 works well, the input current is about 0.35mA. And the output current is less than 0.6mA.

    When tps62740 dies, If we do not restart the system, the voltage of the battery is not  changing. So I think the  input current is very small. The input  current can not be  measured accurately . Because tps62740 will work well after restart the system.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Sammi,

    Could you please share the complete schematic and the measurement plots (Vin, Vout, SW, Iout, Iload) ? What is the maximum load on LOAD pin? I hope this is not exceeded. Is the max device output current 0.6mA?

    Have you tried to change the IC? Can u also power it from the EVM externally?

    Is the device at fixed output voltage?Or is the customer dynamically changing it? 

    We can also take this thread internal, if you may wish. Then I could have a look at the complete schematic. Please send me an email:



  • Hi Sammi,

    I have not heard back from you. Could you solve the problem?



  • Hi Sammi,

    I will go ahead and close this post due to inactivity. Please contact us for any further support!

