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TPS22965-Q1: Delay time at Vbias=3.3V

Part Number: TPS22965-Q1


We got questions about TPS22965-Q1.






- How can I estimate the td at Vbias = 3.3V? Please tell me the equation when Vbias = 3.3V.

   Can you provide this data when fitting the equation based on the data?


- How much is the variation in the delay time?

Best Regards,


  • Hi User,

    We do not have any formula for the delay timing for this device. Timing is dependent on the Vin, Vout and Ct capacitance used. We alo do not provide min and max values but rather only typical values for timing. The variation in timing is also dependent on load and temperature. In the extreme case, variation can be up to +-50% 

    I can provide some test data at 25C we have taken. Please note that this data is for design reference only and is not guaranteed by TI.

    VIN=VBIAS=3.3V, RL=10Ω, CL=0.1uF

    CT Capacitor (pF) tON (us) tD (us) tR (us) tF (us) tOFF (us)
    0 231.3 139.7 215.7 3.363 9.270
    220 641.7 361.0 636.0
    470 1056.7 552.7 1096.7
    1000 1653.3 810.0 1776.7
    2200 4070.0 1823.3 4593.3
    4700 8543.3 3796.7 9610.0
    10000 17700.0 7723.3 20100.0

    Thanks for using TI Power Switches in your designs.