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TPS65150: TPS65150PWP works intermittently.

Part Number: TPS65150

I have designed with the TPS65150 as seen in the circuit above. I have produced a few prototype boards with this circuit. On one board the circuit produces the correct output voltages and the LCD works. On another board it does not work at all. On the third board the circuit operates if I power-cycle the circuit; sometimes it 'catches' and works, other times it does not. So, I believe that I may have some component spec'd just on the edge of it's operational ability. Can you review the above schematic and let me know if anything obvious stands out? Again, sometimes the rails work, other times everything sits at approximately the 5V input voltage.

  • Hello Paul,

    It is possible that due to component tolerances FDLY time is not enough to account for DLY1 and DLY2. Can you please add one more 0.1uF capacitor in parallel to C13 to see if the boards start coming up consistently? Most likely, this will resolve the issue but if not, can you please capture Vin, Vvs, VGH and VGL in the same scope plot and attach it? Seeing the how the various rails are coming up may provide us a better clue as to what is causing the issue.

    Kind Regards,


  • Yes. I saw someone else with the same problem so I added a 220n cap and it is working now. Thank you.