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BQ76952: BQ76952 COV Threshold Setting:The measured value is 70mV larger than the set value.

Part Number: BQ76952

Hi, Dear Experts,

         We have been debugging and testing the BQ76952 IC for some time.

         Recently, during our systematic testing process, we found that: COV protection has some abnormalities.

         The actual test value and the parameter setting value have a certain error, which is 70mV larger than the set value. For example: COV is set to 4100mV, actual test is 4170mV; COV is set to 4250mV, actual test is 4320mV.

         However, this is not the case with CUV and COV Recovery, and the actual measured value and the set value can correspond to each other.

         The hardware version of BQ76952 we use is "7695_0_24".

         The version of BQ Studio we use is 1.3.101.

         Attached are screenshots of parameter settings and test data.

         Please help explain why this exception occurs.


  • Hi,

    The COV accuracy in the pre-production version of the device (7695_0_24) is not optimized. The production trim has improved in the final version of the device (should be available around the end of this month). The accuracy should be much better.

    The final version also includes a COV and CUV calibration feature for the user for even better accuracy. The calibration on the final device can be performed by applying the desired voltage to the highest cell input and executing a command to set the threshold.

    Best regards,


  • Hi, Matt

        Thanks for your reply.

        Looking forward to the official version will be better improved.