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UC1842/3/4/5 and UC2842/3/4/5 - actual minimum on time

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC2842, UC1842, TPS40210

Hi all

Would you mind if we ask UC1842/3/4/5 and UC2842/3/4/5?

How much is tON(min) Minimum pulse duration?
Of course, we recognize that the minimum duty is 0%(Dmin).
As our recgnition, it is possible to output Xns level or XXns level or XXXns level, isn't it?

On the other hand, please let us know TPS40210.
It shows tON(min) Minimum pulse duration=400ns.
We guess that the minimum duty of this device is over 1%(no 0%).
Is our recognition correct?

Kind regards,

Hirotaka Matsumoto