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TPS1HB08-Q1: Confusion about t_OFF parameter in family

Part Number: TPS1HB08-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA300-Q1, INA300, , TPS25940-Q1, TPS1H100-Q1

This question regards multiple products in the TPS1H*, TPS1HB*, and TPS2HB* families.

Context: I am considering use of the TPS1HB08-Q1 in an application where the t_OFF parameter is a critical parameter. In this application, the TPS1HB08-Q1 defines the subsystem "fast" current limit (both short circuit protection and via the current limiting mechanism); a separate monitor defines a "slow" current limit across multiple subsystems using an INA300-Q1, with an \ALERT from the INA300 pulling down the TPS1HB* ENABLE. The bulk capacitance needed on the input rail is determined by the sum of the time to detect a violation of the slow current limit, and the time to disable the TSP1HB* as a result.

Observations and questions:

1) The TPS1HB* datasheets specify t_OFF(max) of 235 us. This is (not coincidentally?) the sum of t_DF(max) and V_BB/SR_f(min). There seems to be a potential confusion here; t_DF spans from 100% to 90% V_BB and SR_f is valid from 80% to 10% V_BB, but there's no definition provided on slew rate or delay as V_BB falls from 90% to 80%.

2) The TPS2HB* datasheets specify t_OFF(max) of 147 us, but the values of t_DF(max) and SR_f(min) are the same. Since I assume these are (nearly?) identical silicon, I suspect this is more detailed characterization that is less pessimistic. Is there any unofficial guidance as to whether this value is likely to be applicable to the TPS1HB* parts, and/or when the tests that gave this tighter bound may be performed on the TPS1HB*? [Side note: The "test conditions" column for t_OFF on the TPS2HB* datasheets is wrong; it is copy-pasted from the t_ON row and describes a turn on condition, not a turn off condition. Not reassuring.]

3) The TPS1H100 datasheet does not specify a t_OFF at all, but does specify both t_DF(max) and SR_f(min), so the assumed calculations from the TPS1HB* can be applied here -- but as already discussed, these are pessimistic by some 60%. Is there any chance of getting a reasonable t_OFF value for the TPS1H100? Is it at all reasonable to assume that, since slew rates are similar to the TPS1HB* family and t_DF(max) is 50 us faster, it will be very roughly 50 us faster?

4) In my application, turn-off is happening from 8.5 V initial V_BB, not 13.5 V. I assume that this will be faster, but I assume also that the slewing rate is fastest at high voltage, so the total t_OFF will be somewhere between the 13.5 V characterized t_OFF and (t_DF + (8.5/13.5)*(t_OFF-t_DF)). Is this a reasonable assumption? Is any other guidance available?

5) Are there other parts I should be considering in this application? Going above 50 mOhm would essentially eat remaining power margin, so I'm leaning towards the TPS1HB* over the TPS1H100 for that reason -- but the doubling in bulk capacitance hurts. Looking for a combination of short circuit protection, current clamping or limiting, and fast turn-off. Should I be considering something like a TPS25940-Q1 eFuse instead of a high side switch?

  • Hello,

    I will look into this and get back to you.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for catching the error that the turn off test condition is incorrect for the TPS2HB devices. We will fix it.

    However, the extensive characterization that we did for all of the TPS1HB devices and the TPS2HB devices determined how we set the limits. This means that just because TPS1HB08 has a different limit than TPS2HB16, they cannot be assumed to be "optimistic or pessimistic" values. It is based on the data that we got from characterization, simulation and validation and accounts for process and temperature.

    The turn on and turn off time will be very dependent on your loading? What is the load that you are driving?

    TPS1H100-Q1 and TPS1HB08-Q1 have very different architectures which is why the power goes through the thermal pad for TPS1HB08 and goes through several pins for TPS1H100-Q1. You cannot assume that the turn on and turn off have more of a relation to each other.

    The value that we put as the minimum or maximum for a spec is so that we can guarantee that spec for the entire range that it applies to and that every part we put out will adhere to it so the maximum while may seem pessimistic cannot be pulled in or else we would have done so when putting out the part or there is a material change in our testing.

    You could look into an eFuse as they can switch faster but again it will depend on what load you are trying to drive.