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BQ25713: I2C - debug lack of answer?

Part Number: BQ25713
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EV2400

Any ideas whats going wrong here trying to get I2C communication working with the charger IC? suggestions?

Using the EVM board, but not the usb-i2c connector or your software (do not have them). so our microcontroller and our code. the trace is taken at the EVM jumper for SDA and SCL. EVM has power.

On the right of the below trace i expect manuf ID 0x40, not 0xFF (its reading 2 bytes for no good reason). Same result for ChargeOption0

To go through the test from left to right

The board address is 6B ->D6,D7. register 0x14 does not exist to test for NACK . register 0x2E should return manufacture id 0x40. 

register 0x00 ChargeOption0 should default to 0xE60E.

thanks in advance