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BQ34Z100-G1: Failure to get to status 5

Part Number: BQ34Z100-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO


Please examine my data and let me know why I cannot get to status 5.

I have recently updated the parameters such that I have a valid charge termination while at status 4.

I am using a GPC tool matched chemistry of 808.

I have attached a full charge data log with a 3 hour relax.

I am anxiously awaiting your reply!


.. Attachement to follow

  • Hi Tim,
    Learning for lead-acid can only occur on the discharges, so you need to start from fully charged then discharge to get the first Qmax update, then charge and discharge again to get the Ra updated.
    More details and additional tips are in this thread:
  • Hi,

    Below is a chart of remaining capacity and full charge capacity from an attempt at a learning cycle of my battery under investigation.The design capacity was set at 5750 which is Full Charge Capacity (FCC).  After first discharge FCC is reduced to 4564 as expected because my battery capacity apparently is not actually 5750. However, after a valid charge termination, the full charge capacity and Remaining Capacity jump from 4564 to 5750. This prohibits learning because the capacity starts the second discharge too high. It should start at 4564 or so.

    The only setting that may have affected this is my REMFCC bit in pack config register is not set.


    1) if not, Can you explain why the FCC jumps from the DSG capacity to the design capacity at charge termination?

    2) If I set RMFCC will this problem resolve itself? AND If so, do I need to reset the device for this to take place?

    3) Also, Do I need to adjust my design capacity to more correctly correspond to the battery discharge capacity? At a C/20 rate this should be about 4800 mAh from my latest analysis. 

    I have attached my log file and gg file. 

    Please HELP! I am on an accelerated schedule!!


    CHM1 bat12 (03-12-2018).zip

  • Urgent response needed.. thank you for your attention.

  • Hi Tim,

    RSOC_HOLD and SMOOTH are both set, and not should be enabled together.

    In Pack Configuration C, deassert RSOC_HOLD , enable relax smooth okay. Also, change the load select to 7.

    With these modifications, please let me know if the issue persists. Thanks!

    Bryan Kahler
  • Will I need to re-issue ITEN or RESET in order for these to take effect?

    Also,  Load Select  7 is not defined in section of the spec. Is this what you meant?

  • Hi Tim,

    My apologies, load select 7 is an option on other multi-cell gauges. Please keep load select as 1 (your current setting, and also the default setting) for the constant current load of the learning cycle.

    IT will need to be enabled prior to optimization/learning.

    After performing the optimization/learning cycle, the gauge should have an update Status of 06 indicating that the optimization/learning cycle learned the Qmax and Ra table for your pack.

    If the performance is satisfactory, a golden image may then be created for programming all of your gauges:

    To create the golden image:

    1. With bqStudio, export a gg.csv file of your gauge settings.
    2. In a text editor, open your gg.csv file and:
    a. Set Cycle Count parameters to 0.
    b. Set Update Status to 02 to disable IT.
    c. Save the file.
    3. In bqStudio, Import the default srec file.
    4. Update the ChemID
    5. Load the modified gg.csv file from step 2.
    6. Save the golden srec.

    You can then program the golden srec into new packs. Then calibrate, enable IT, and seal the pack. It will then be ready to ship. Alternatively, calibration may be performed across 10-30 packs and the calibration values averaged and set in step 2, assuming variance is low.

    Bryan Kahler