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TPS92662-Q1: UART interface with MCU doesn't work

Part Number: TPS92662-Q1


I am trying to interface my Renesas MCU (R5F10PLJ) with TPS92662 over UART channels and trying to send a command to write the SYSCFG register during runtime but there is no response (Acknowledgement) from the TPS92662. Below are the details of the setup:

The MCU Baud rate configuration is set to 19,200 bps. MCU is also providing the clock to TPS92662 which is 19200 * 16 = 307.2kbps (as per datasheet the baud rate should be 16th of the clock). There is only one TPS 92662 on my board and I have set the ADDR0 pin to VDD, ADDR1 and ADDR2 to Gnd. The device ID is set as 0x61. The command that I am sending from MCU is

1. Write command to SYSCFG register -> {0x87, 0x61, 0x80, 0xA1, CRCL, CRCH}  and then,

2. Read command to read the contents of SYSCFG register -> {0x99, 0x61, 0x80, CRCL, CRCH} 

For both the commands there is no response from TPS. Also, I have tried loopback of the Tx and Rx channels of the MCU and it works, i.e., I am able to read send the bytes from the Tx channel and read it back on the MCU Rx channel and I am also getting the Rx and Tx interrupts in the MCU. But connecting it with TPS doesn't work. Please suggest any changes that would help in troubleshooting this issue.

Quick response will be really appreciated.

Thank you.


  • Correction:
    Read command -> {0x4B, 0x61, 0x80, CRCL, CRCH}
  • Hello Sunil,

    As this is currently a gated device I cannot post answers regarding this device. I can tell you that the method you are using is incorrect. Do you have the full datasheet? If so refer to pages 26 to 28 for the correct procedure. If you do not then you will need to go to the product folder on the web and submit a formal request for it. Thanks.



  • Thanks Clint for the quick response. I have the complete datasheet of TPS92662Q1 and I am referring to the command format for Single Write as given below:

    Init byte -> Dev id -> Register Address -> Data bytes (1 .. n) -> CRCL -> CRCH

    0x87 -> 0x61 -> 0x80 -> 0xA1 -> CRCL -> CRCH

    Please clarify if this is correct or if I am doing it wrong.

    Also, kindly clarify the type of CRC-16 IBM polynomial generator used for generating CRC bytes - Normal 0x8005, Reversed 0xA001, or Reversed Reciprocal 0xC002? Currently my CRC generator in MCU code is set as Reversed 0xA001.



  • Hello Sunil,

    Send me a friend request and we can private message. I can send you how to initialize correctly. This info is from someone else, I am not a software expert. But if you need more after what he has sent me I can try to help. This is only because this device is still gated (probably not for long though).



  • Hello Clint,

    I have sent you a friend request. Please accept and let me know if we can chat today. Thank you.