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TDA4VM: QNX + RTOS Boot issue

Part Number: TDA4VM


I am using the following packages to build the QNX+RTOS SDK

RTOS: ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_00_00_12

QNX: qnx710

QNX BSP: /qnx710/bsp/BSP_ti-j721e-am752x-evm_br-710_be-710_SVN927158_JBN10

Followed following steps to Build mentioned in:

Build Gets successful for QNX + RTOS mode. However when i am booting the board using SD card, I don't get any log on any UART.

But if i use the RTOS+LINUX package, i am able to run the applications.

Attached is the image of the board I am using.

Please let me know how to debug this issue.
Note: I have the QNX license 7.1 and have installed all the packages as mentioned in the Dependency section.

  • Hi,

    A full install / rebuild was done locally and no issues were seen with SPL SD Boot mode using Processor SDK QNX 8.0. 

    An "ls -l" of the SD card root directory and main UART boot los are below.

    Possible issues you're running into could be:

    • SD card not formatted correctly. 
      • Try re-formatting, and re-installing content on SD card using the scripts provided in PSDK QNX (ie Vision Apps User Guide steps). 
    • The build environment was used for Linux & QNX, and a proper clean was not done when switching between HLOS's.
      • To rule this out, a fresh install and build on QNX could be done.



    SD Card Contents:

    Main UART Boot log:

    U-Boot SPL 2021.01-g53e79d0e89 (Aug 04 2021 - 23:32:00 +0000)
    Model: Texas Instruments K3 J721E SoC
    Board: J721EX-PM2-SOM rev E6
    SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0015 '21.5.0--v2021.05 (Terrific Llam')
    Trying to boot from MMC2
    Starting ATF on ARM64 core...
    NOTICE: BL31: v2.5(release):
    NOTICE: BL31: Built : 22:30:09, Aug 4 2021
    U-Boot SPL 2021.01-g53e79d0e89 (Aug 04 2021 - 22:33:28 +0000)
    Model: Texas Instruments K3 J721E SoC
    Board: J721EX-PM2-SOM rev E6
    SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0015 '21.5.0--v2021.05 (Terrific Llam')
    Detected: J7X-BASE-CPB rev E3
    Detected: J7X-VSC8514-ETH rev E2
    Trying to boot from MMC2

  • Hi,
    My SD card content contains all the files/folders mentioned by you above.

    I did clean build 2-3 times and even removed the linux package from my system. Still facing the same issue.
    Do i need to do anything w.r.t Board revision number. As per the board image shared earlier, BOM Revision 1.0 is mentioned on the J721EX SOM board.
    In file vision_apps/vision_apps_build_flags.mak # Flag to select silicon revision: 1_1 for ES 1.1, 1_0 for ES 1.0

    Also in the tiovx/build_flags.mak  "RTOS?=FREERTOS", this is the default setting for 8.0 package. Do i need to change this?

  • Hi,

    Please check to ensure the file sizes on the SD card under test, match the above.  If there are deltas, then we can work to figure out why.

    In local testing no modifications were made to SDK 8.0, outside of those in the Vision Apps User guide steps.  

    I'm not aware of any EVM related issues, with the release.   If you want to provide the SD card creation commands, and build commands being used, I can follow those on this end to see if boot is successful.



  • I doubt there is issue with the build and sd-card contents. 
    I tried to use QNX+RTOS for 7.3 as well, but that also did not boot up. Got the same issue as mentioned in earlier posts.

    This points me to some other issue.

    We would like to know if the QNX +RTOS build has been tested for the following EVM version, details are mentioned below.

    SoC: J721E SR1.0
    Model: Texas Instruments K3 J721E SoC
    Board: J721EX-PM1-SOM rev E2
    DRAM: 4 GiB
    not found for dev hbmc-mux
    Flash: 0 Bytes
    MMC: sdhci@4f80000: 0, sdhci@4fb0000: 1
    Loading Environment from MMC... OK
    In: serial@2800000
    Out: serial@2800000
    Err: serial@2800000
    Detected: J7X-BASE-CPB rev E2
    Detected: J7X-VSC8514-ETH rev E2

    Note: Above information has been taken when the device boots up using LINUX+RTOS package

  • Hi,

    I will check into EVMs tested by the TI SDK release team. 

    Please be aware that if the SDK QNX is being used in SPL SD boot mode (Uboot boot based SD boot mode), then the same UBoot version for QNX / Linux will be being used.   Uboot prompt should be reached in both cases.  Any issues specific to loading QNX vs. Linux images would occur once the HLOS is loaded.

    For the issue being reported, UART console has no output, meaning UBoot prompt is not being reached.  This would infer issue is before HLOS. 

    Are there any logs on port 1 of the MCU UART?   

    Please confirm image sizes in root of SD card have been checked against those provided above.



  • Hi,

    my sd card content size matches with the one shared by you.

    There is no logs seen on both the UART, i have checked that every time i have attempted the boot.

  • Hi,

    Noted that IFS is not the same size in our setups, but as boot is not getting that far, not a concern for current issue.

    Re-ran the SD creation / build / install with below commands, still not seeing any issues. 


    • QNX SDP 7.1
    • RTOS SDK: ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_00_00_12
    • QNX SDK: ti-processor-sdk-qnx_j721e_08_00_00
      • Is the same QNX SDK version being used in your setup?

    Boot Mode: SPL SD boot mode.

    Build Commands:

    Followed: Vision Apps User Guide: Build Instructions

    • cd vision_apps
    • make vision_apps -j3
    • make sdk -j3
    • cd ${PSDKR_PATH}
    • sudo psdk_rtos/scripts/ --device /dev/sdX

    <unseated / reseated SD card, so it would re-enumerate>

    • cd vision_apps
    • make qnx_fs_create_sd
    • make qnx_fs_install_sd

    EVM Boot Log on local board:

    SoC: J721E SR1.0
    Model: Texas Instruments K3 J721E SoC
    Board: J721EX-PM2-SOM rev E6
    DRAM: 4 GiB
    Flash: 0 Bytes
    MMC: sdhci@4f80000: 0, sdhci@4fb0000: 1
    In: serial@2800000
    Out: serial@2800000
    Err: serial@2800000
    Detected: J7X-BASE-CPB rev E3
    Detected: J7X-VSC8514-ETH rev E2

    EVM Boot log from 1 board on test farm

    SoC:   J721E SR1.0
    Model: Texas Instruments K3 J721E SoC
    Board: J721EX-PM2-SOM rev E7
    DRAM:  4 GiB
    Flash: 0 Bytes
    MMC:   sdhci@4f80000: 0, sdhci@4fb0000: 1
    In:    serial@2800000
    Out:   serial@2800000
    Err:   serial@2800000
    Detected: J7X-BASE-CPB rev E3
    Detected: J7X-GESI-EXP rev E3
    Detected: J7X-VSC8514-ETH rev E2

    Quick test to try:

    Reformat the SD card, copy linux prebuilt boot binaries to target.

    • sudo psdk_rtos/scripts/ --device /dev/sdX
    • <unseat / reseat SD card, so it wilre-enumerate>
    • cp ${PSDKR_PATH}/bootfs/* /media/${USERNAME}/boot/

    In local testing this will get you to the uboot prompt.    

    Please also try disconnecting / reconnecting the serial cable, have seen that cause issues in the past when switching between HLOS's.



  • Hi, 

    I am able to boot the board with QNX now.

    However there appears to be a bug with the RUN instructions for QNX at my side.

    If i follow the steps like this as mentioned in the Run Instructions:

    Step 1: Prepare SD card for boot (one time only)

    umount /dev/sdb1
    umount /dev/sdb2
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}
    sudo psdk_rtos/scripts/ /dev/sdb
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}

    Step 2: Copy test data to SD card (one time only)

    cd /media/$USER/rootfs/
    mkdir -p opt/vision_apps
    cd opt/vision_apps
    tar --strip-components=1 -xf ${path/to/file}/psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz

    Step 3: Copy executable files to SD card (first time and each time you want to run updated applications)

    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps
    make linux_fs_install_sd

    So, if i follow Steps 1,2,3 sequentially, Board does not boot up
    But if i only do Step 1 and Step 3, Bootup is successful.
    I reconfirmed this weird behaviour with 3 different SD cards and 2 Different PC having the QNX+RTOS build.
  • Thanks for the update, good to hear the boot is working.

    Regarding Step 1, Step2, Step 3 above, assumption is that there is a "typo" in the cut'n paste above, as linux steps are being referenced.  This thread is for QNX, the QNX version of the same steps should be used.

    Regarding Step 2, this should have no impact on boot.  The content being extracted will be present in the /vision_apps directory in root of the DOS partition of the SD card.  This will not touch any of the required boot content for SD SPL boot flow.   Will try locally to see if issue can be reproduced



  • Hi,

    Can reproduce, an issue, which is likely what you are hitting

    Recreating Issue

    Following below steps as documents, boot is not working.

    Step 1:  Prepare SD card for boot

    • sudo psdk_rtos/scripts/ --device /dev/sdb
    • make qnx_fs_create_sd

    Step2: Copy test data to SD card (one time only)

    • cd /media/$USER/boot/
    • mkdir -p vision_apps
    • cd vision_apps
    • tar --strip-components=1 -xf ${path/to/file}/psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz
    • sync

    Step 3a: Copy executable files to SD card for boot using SPL_Uboot

    • cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps
    • make qnx_fs_install_sd


    To work around this, swap the sequence of step2 and step3a, and boot will work fine.

    Step 1:  Prepare SD card for boot

    • sudo psdk_rtos/scripts/ --device /dev/sdb
    • make qnx_fs_create_sd

    Step 3a: Copy executable files to SD card for boot using SPL_Uboot

    • cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps
    • make qnx_fs_install_sd

    Step2: Copy test data to SD card (one time only)

    • cd /media/$USER/boot/
    • mkdir -p vision_apps
    • cd vision_apps
    • tar --strip-components=1 -xf ${path/to/file}/psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz
    • sync



  • Hi,

    Yes, I was also doing the above steps earlier and was facing the boot issue. Swapping Step 2 and Step 3a solves this problem. 
    I would like to know the reason behind this. Please let me know as well just for understanding purpose.