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TDA4VM: R5F Compare block Error forcing mode

Part Number: TDA4VM


I met a problem when develop the R5F CPU compare block in error forcing mode.

I can't get the register CCMSR.CMPE1 to be set when enter the error forcing mode. Is that because of campare block is disable?

Then, how can I get the error status when enter error focing mode? And where can I found the CPU_BUS_CMP_INT?

Last,  does below sentence mean I can only get the error status in one clock time?


Thank you and Best Regards,


  • Hi Zhihua,

    Is the code under test using the TI SDL (Software Diagnostics Library) example(s) for CCM?

    If not, can you please review/compare against the TI provided examples there:

    • SDL_RLS_01.00.00/sdl/sdl_docs/userguide/j721e/modules/r5fccm.html
    • SDL_RLS_01.00.00/sdl/test/ccm/*
    • SDL_RLS_01.00.00/sdl/src/ip/r5/src/sdl_mcu_armss_ccmr5.c
    • SDL_RLS_01.00.00/sdl/src/sdl/r5/sdl_ccm.c

