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I am using AM4376 with TI RTOS.
Below example code is using.
if (AM335X_NAND_writePage(hNandInfo, blockNum, function is getting passed.
I am facing problem on custom board with particular below instruction line.
under this function
if (AM335X_NAND_verifyPage(hNandInfo, blockNum
step in to below function
Uint32 NAND_readPage(AM335X_NAND_InfoHandle hNandInfo, Uint32 block, Uint32 page, Uint8 *dest)
code fails at below line
// Use ECC bytes to correct any errors
if ((*hNandInfo->hEccInfo->fxnCorrect)(hNandInfo, (block * hNandInfo->pagesPerBlock) + page,
spareBytes, &dest[hNandInfo->dataBytesPerOp * i], i) != E_PASS) {
return E_FAIL;
I am using
NAND flash Micron-MT29F4G16ABBDAH4-IT_D-datasheet
I have modified the code for AM4376 related register. particularly in .h file
Kindly guide.
Hello Vrund,
Sorry but TI has stopped supporting TI-RTOS based SW development for AM437x devices. Please refer to this announcement and find consolidated resources there.