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Edge Impulse is a tool for creating, analyzing, and deploying machine learning to embedded targets. TI Processors, like the TDA4VM and AM62x, running the default Processor SDK for Linux can quickly and easily be used directly with Edge Impulse's tools, allowing developers to use their embedded processor to collect data and test their model.
For getting started with edge-impulse set up please refer below points from [FAQ] Edge Impulse Setup on TI Processors.
1. Set up device according to Starter Kit Quick-Start Guide
2. Install Edge Impulse tools in Linux
3. Set up an Edge Impulse account and create/clone a project
Once you have completed edge impulse environment setup you can start following below listed steps.
Please refer below image, which has highlighted sections for better illustration.
Please refer below image, which has highlighted sections for better illustration.
Please refer below image, which has highlighted sections for better illustration.
Please refer below image, which has highlighted sections for better illustration.
After these steps, you can get stated with model inferencing on target device.
Please follow below mentioned points from [FAQ] Edge Impulse Setup on TI Processors.
6. Run Inference on your Starter Kit
7. Moving Forward with an Edge Impulse design
Reference Design Name : Tomato Leaves Disease Classification using TDA4VM-SK and Edge Impulse.
Description :
This Reference Design illustrate classic Object Classification problem use case specific to Agricultural Industry.
We have trained model on custom data specific to different tomato plant diseases, these models are trained on edge impulse platform by following steps mentioned above.
The model inference is captured by live real time camera sensor which is connected to TDA4VM-SK.
Reference Design Video :
Let us know more about how you're using TI Processors and/or Edge Impulse for your Edge AI Applications!
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