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[FAQ] TMS320C6657: How to run the direct NAND-BOOT example on TI-C6657-EVM without IBL ?

Part Number: TMS320C6657


How to run the direct NAND-BOOT example on TI-C6657-EVM without IBL ?

  • How to run the direct NAND-BOOT example on TI-C6657-EVM without IBL ? 



    1. Install processor_sdk_rtos_c665x_6_03_00_106 from
    2. Install CCS 9.3 from CCSTUDIO_9.3.0.00012 |
    3. Choose the installation directory as C:\ti
    4. Download the source code here:


    Steps: -- Rebuilding the NAND BOOT EXAMPLE


    Step 1:

    Open command prompt

    Go to path "C:\ti\pdk_c665x_2_0_16\packages"

    Run the "pdksetupenv.bat"


    Setup C6000 compiler path in the file "setup.bat" and copy into the src folder and run the "setup.bat" file from windows command line.

    • set C6000_FOLDER=C:/ti/c6000_7.4.24
      set PDK_PACKAGES=C:/ti/pdk_c665x_2_0_16/packages

      set PATH=%C6000_FOLDER%\bin;%PATH%

    Step2: Change directory to src and build the application binary:

    • gmake clean
    • gmake all
    • Note: It requires gmake in the Windows

    Step3: Copy the simple.out to build folder - "C:\Users\40901868\Downloads\C6657_directROM_Boot_example\C6657\nandboot\build"

    Step4: Open and Set IBL_UTIL path in the nandboot.bat file to the IBL utils folder of  PDK of Processor SDK 6.3.

    set IBL_UTIL=C:\ti\pdk_c665x_2_0_16\packages\ti\boot\ibl\src\util
    hex6x simple.rmd
    %IBL_UTIL%\btoccs\b2ccs simple.btbl simple.btbl.ccs
    swap16 -in simple.btbl.ccs -out simple_swap_16.ccs
    copy simple_swap_16.ccs simple_swap_16.dat
    %IBL_UTIL%\btoccs\ccs2bin simple_swap_16.ccs simple_swap_16.bin

    Step 5: Run nandboot.bat file to generate the boot image, simple_swap_16.dat

    In the below video, steps from 1 to 5 are given,



    Step6: --  Flashing the NAND-BOOT code into the NAND flash memory using the NAND-Writer utility.




    1. Re-booting the EVM in Direct NAND-boot mode:
      1. Change the boot Switch setting to SW3[1-8] = 00011111 and  SW5[1-8]= 11100111
      2. Turn on the C6657 EVM by connecting the power cord.
      3.  On power up connect to Core0 using target-configuration file in CCS, View CCS-Registersview-Pc-counter Value ---> as address 0x00810024
        ( i.e.,  the device will execute, the simple.out application at address 0x00810024 ) 


    Shankari G