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CCS8 migrate to CCS12.


I install the latest CCS12, and port all projects from CCS8 (it is too slow to compile), when I compile the projects in the CCS12, the errors are occurred below, please advise, what software I need to update.?

*** Build of configuration Debug for project FlexDsp-01 ****

"I:\\sri\\ccs1240\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -j 8 all -O

C:\Python27\python ../CodeMaker/ ../CodeMaker/input.xml ../inc/codemaker.h ../src/codemaker.cpp ../inc/codemaker-arrays.h
makefile:178: recipe for target 'pre-build' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:\Python27\python ../CodeMaker/ ../CodeMaker/input.xml ../inc/codemaker.h ../src/codemaker.cpp ../inc/codemaker-arrays.h, ...) failed.

gmake[1]: [pre-build] Error 2 (ignored)

Building file: "../app.cfg"
Invoking: XDCtools
"I:/sri/ccs1240/xdctools_3_62_01_16_core/xs" --xdcpath="C:/ti/pdk_c667x_2_0_12/packages;C:/ti/bios_6_73_01_01/packages;C:/Users/sri/git/20-6018-xx-flexcpboardpackage/00/packages;" -o configPkg -t ti.targets.elf.C66 -p gary -r debug -b "I:/sri/git/20-6008-xx-flexcpdsp/01/SriPackages/DevelopmentBoard/config.bld" -c "C:/ti/ti-cgt-c6000_8.2.2" "../app.cfg" recipe for target 'build-538779105-inproc' failed
I:\sri\ccs1240\xdctools_3_62_01_16_core\xs: error: can't create session manager: create of JVM failed
gmake[2]: *** [build-538779105-inproc] Error 1 recipe for target 'build-538779105' failed
gmake[1]: *** [build-538779105] Error 2
makefile:146: recipe for target 'all' failed
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

**** Build Finished ****