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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A: how to set set the frequency of c7x, and how to set computing power on am62a


i want to set the computing power on am62a, there has two routes to 

achieve the goal as bellow:

 one is modifying the voltage of VDD_CORE, another is modifying the frequency of C7x.


Check the frequency of each core using the k3conf command

Use the below commands from Linux user space:

Set the PLL8_SS_CTRL Register bit[0
devmem2 0x688040 w 0x80000001

Then set the frequency of A72

k3conf set clock 202  2 1000000000

The above sets A72 to 1GHz.

So the last parameter in the above command could be used to set to desired frequency.

I can not ensure this change will work, so i want asking TI expert for help , how can i set the frequency for change permanently ?

  • Not sure whether the question is still valid. Anyhow, please refer below comments:

    1. Can check different speed grade to select the configuration that can meet your requirements with minimized power consumption. Please refer for more details. For example, you can directly find part with only 500MHz C7x core. Datasheet of the silicon also listed related info.

    2. K3conf can also be used to configure C7x core at run-time. But if it is required for production, the best is to configure the PLL in the boot loader.

    3. If all above thing still not enough, the thermal optimization from HW design perspective should be considered. Please refer Chapter 9 Power Consumption and Thermal Solutions of the HW design guideline

    Br, Tommy