AM625: QSPI Internal PHY loopback mode

Part Number: AM625
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG



My customer wants to use QSPI PHY mode with internal PHY loopback.
This mode is supported according to the table in original thread. I copied it below.

reference clock w/ data training w/o data training w/ data training w/o data training    
No Loopback NA NA NA NA 50MHz(Table 7-122) 25MHz(Table 7-124)
Internal PHY Loopback Not supported 166MHz or 142MHz (Table 7-116, 7-117) Not supported Not supported NA NA
Internal PAD Loopback Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported NA NA
External Board Loopback Not supported 166MHz or 142MHz (Table 7-116, 7-117) Not supported 52MHz (Table 7-119, 7-120) NA NA
DQS Not supported Not supported 166MHz or 132MHz (Table 7-113, 7-114) 52MHz (Table 7-119, 7-120) NA NA

Could you tell me how to configure QSPI registers to enable that mode?

Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hi Koichiro,

    Thanks for your question.

    Allow me sometime to follow up with you.



  • Hi Koichiro,

    Thanks for your patience.

    My customer wants to use QSPI PHY mode with internal PHY loopback.

    Is this the setting the customer will use to boot the board? I want to know at which stage they want to have this configuration applied, at all stages or at some later stage when the board has booted up with some other configuration.



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    They wants to use QSPI after the system has booted up.

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hi Koichiro,

    Thanks for your patience.

    Could you tell me how to configure QSPI registers to enable that mode?

    I believe you are talking about configuration which will be done in the custom application, please correct my understanding here.

    I would request you to share the following information with the customer as the customer is interested in using QSPI Phy Internal Loopback mode.

    1. Please read through TRM section Read Data Capture
    2. One more section to read would be Phy Pipeline mode and Read Data Capturing by the Phy Module section



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    According to TRM, below configurations are required to use PHY internal loopback mode.

    Option-A: SPI mode 0 is used.

    Option-B: SPI mode 3 is used.

    Then below configurations are needed for both options.

    I have a few more questions.
    Q1) TRM section also says
    "The taps are selected by programming OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG[4-1] DELAY_FLD field."
    But it does not explain how to determine the taps value.
    How to select DELAY_FLD value?

    Q2) In CTRL_MMR registers, there is OSPI0_CLKSEL register.
    It seems bit4 OSPI0_CLKSEL_LOOPCLK_SEL should be set for internal loopback, correct?

    How about bit1? The reset value '0' is ok?

    Q3) Any other registers need to be configured?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Greetings Koichiro,

    Thank you for your response.

    I will try to answer your questions individually.

    Q1) TRM section also says
    "The taps are selected by programming OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG[4-1] DELAY_FLD field."
    But it does not explain how to determine the taps value.
    How to select DELAY_FLD value?

    So delay field value can be set via trial and error, we want to make sure to use a value which ensures proper and correct data capture.

    Check line number 1192:

    Q2) In CTRL_MMR registers, there is OSPI0_CLKSEL register.
    It seems bit4 OSPI0_CLKSEL_LOOPCLK_SEL should be set for internal loopback, correct?

    How about bit1? The reset value '0' is ok?

    Q3) Any other registers need to be configured?

    I would let another expert comment on this.



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    For Q1), the flash_nor_ospi.c file is included in Linux SDK?
    If so, could you tell me the file path?

    For Q2), did you get any comments from the expert?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Greetings Koichiro,

    Thank you for your response.


    This file is present in the mcu plus sdk.

    For Q2), did you get any comments from the expert?

    I am going to follow up with the expert on this. 

    Thanks for your patience.



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    Do you have any updates?
    The customer is a bit frustrated due to slow response from TI.

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    Apologies in delayed responses.

    Q2) In CTRL_MMR registers, there is OSPI0_CLKSEL register.
    It seems bit4 OSPI0_CLKSEL_LOOPCLK_SEL should be set for internal loopback, correct?

    How about bit1? The reset value '0' is ok?

    Q3) Any other registers need to be configured?

    Please expect responses in sometime from the assigned expert.



  • Hello Koichiro,

    I believe the customer is using MCU PLUS SDK AM62x.

    If the customer is using TI Drivers which comes with MCU PLUS SDK, then few APIs like Drivers_open() and Board_driversOpen() takes care of the initialization of the OSPI/QSPI IP.

    I would request the customer to use the SysConfig options to enable the Tap/Phy mode.

    For that the customer can simply check one of the SDK examples named as ospi_flash_io.c

    This is available at MCU_PLUS_SDK_INSTALL_PATH > examples > drivers > ospi > ospi_flash_io

    From CCS(Code composer studio) the customer can import this example and open the application named example.syscfg

    Once opened, the customer can then easily configure Tap Mode/Phy mode. Please look at the options below on how to do it:

    1. For PHY mode

    2. For TAP mode

    You can go ahead and change the frequency in the field Input Clock Frequency(Hz)

    Please let me know if you still need to register settings flow/the above method works for you?



  • Greetings Koichiro,

    Key registers in the OSPI IP are:



    Bit 8 is the DQS enable field. Since we are not using the DQS signal, this should be set to 0.

    Bit 0 is the bypass enable for loopback clocking, and in this case we are not using the loopback logic so it should be set to 1 to disable. This is where the terminology can be slightly confusing. Internal PHY loopback does not technically use any loopback clock, it's just using the reference clock to be driven into the PHY as part of the sampling block.

    The other clocking modes involve driving DQS into that sampling logic or a copy of the clock (on the LBCLK pin) that is routed external to the IP. This loopback of the clock can be done at the PAD level (Internal Pad Loopback) which does not actually leave the chip, or at the board level (External Board Loopback) which has to be physically routed back into a pin.

    As far as other registers, in the CTRL MMR snippet you shared:

    Bit 4 in this mode is a don't care and would recommend leaving this at the reset value of 0b0. We are not technically using any loopback which is why this is a DC, but for context clearing to 0 would be for External Board Loopback and setting to 1 would be for Internal Pad Loopback.

    Bit 0 will depend on which PLL they want to use and that PLL's configuration. Either 0 or 1 are valid options, but each PLL has different frequencies and options for dividing it down. I would highly recommend sticking to whichever high level software package (Linux or MCU+SDK) is doing the PLL configuration and not try to do this sequencing by hand. 



  • Hi Lucas, Vaibhav,

    The customer configured these required settings, but still read access is failing (read all zero).
    TAP mode is working.
    Please see below results.

    Any settings are missed?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    Thank you for your response.

    It would be helpful if you can answer my following questions:

    So, for SDR mode, are you operating in 8-8-8S mode? Can you please tell me the frequency as well? Wat is the clock divider value as well?



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    So, for SDR mode, are you operating in 8-8-8S mode?

    4-4-4S mode is used as the memory does not support OSPI.

    Can you please tell me the frequency as well?


    Wat is the clock divider value as well?

    Which clock divider value are you asking for?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    So, for SDR mode, are you operating in 8-8-8S mode?

    4-4-4S mode is used as the memory does not support OSPI.

    Can you please tell me the frequency as well?


    Thank you for responding to my questions.

    Please allow me sometime to check with another expert on the register flow.



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    Any updates to this item?

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    As per my understanding the idea is when Phy mode is enabled, we do Direct read operations.

    Hence, we need to have DAC mode enabled.

    Can you please go ahead and tell me the value of the following registers after you have made the configurations?

    Register name: OSPI_CONFIG_REG Address: 0x0FC40000h

    Register name: OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG Address: 0x0FC40010h

    I would need to know the value of this register in both the modes which you are operating in. that is TAP and PHY.



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    Sorry for my late reply.
    Here are register values for TAP mode and PHY internal loopback mode.

    #1 TAP mode
    ・Register name: OSPI_CONFIG_REG Address: 0x0FC40000h 0x80083881
    ・Register name: OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG Address: 0x0FC40010h 0x00000001

    #2 PHY mode
    ・Register name: OSPI_CONFIG_REG Address: 0x0FC40000h 0x80083889
    ・Register name: OSPI_RD_DATA_CAPTURE_REG Address: 0x0FC40010h 0x00000001

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    Thank you for your patience.

    Allow me sometime to put out a dump of register values when TAP mode is enabled vs Phy mode is enabled just for you to make sure it aligned with your application vs when I run a sample application on the TI EVM.



  • Hello Koichiro,

    So, I ran a SDK example based out of MCU PLUS SDK just to see what will be the value of the registers when PHY mode is enabled vs when TAP mode is enabled: FYI this is from AM64x execution and will be mostly same for AM62x for sure. But will cross check with AM62x as well.

    Before any configuration is done for Phy mode enabled OR Tap mode the register values are the same:

    After all the configurations for OSPI are done for PHY Enabled mode the register values are:

    After all the configurations for OSPI are done for TAP mode the register values are:



  • Hi,

    Thanks for your patience.

    The below is the register dump for AM62x. The above one is from AM64x.

    Before any configurations both the cases the register values are the same:

    After PHY Mode enabled configurations for OSPI:

    After Tap mode configurations for OSPI:



  • Hi Vaibhav,

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late feedback.
    Now the customer is able to read/write to the memory using PHY mode configuration you provided.
    But it seems PHY_MODE_ENABLE_FLD bit in OSPI0_CONFIG_REG(0x0FC4:0000) is 0.
    According to TRM (SPRUIV7B) Table 14-18650 description, the bit should be 1 for PHY mode.

    The customer tried to change the bit to 1, then read/write to the memory failed.
    Q1) Is this expected PHY_MODE_ENABLE_FLD is 0 for PHY mode?
    Q2) If TRM description is typo, please correct it.

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late feedback.

    It is fine.

    Now the customer is able to read/write to the memory using PHY mode configuration you provided.

    I am glad that the customer is able to do the write and read operations with the register configurations I provided. Good to hear this.

    Q1) Is this expected PHY_MODE_ENABLE_FLD is 0 for PHY mode?

    So I will explain this in another response as it needs some explanation.

