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J721EXSOMXEVM: Helloworld program for MCU.

Part Number: J721EXSOMXEVM


Hi everyone,

I am new to TDA4 MCU programming and I have been assign a task to bringup MCU mentioned in the figure below.

Sofar, I am working on A72 and running simple x86/64 applications. I have an Ubuntu PC where I have developed applications and cross compiled for A72.
I want to achieve the following goals.

  1. Enable MCU Island and create communication channel between MCU and A72.
  2. Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU.
  3. Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data and send it to A72 linux.

I looked through multiple sources on TI website but couldn't able to find a concrete one that I can follow and achieve the above goals. As far I know I need drivers (MCAL) that will be generated from EB tresos. 

I have checked the following sources

I am really confused. Where can I write a program and how can I flash it to MCU? Any leads will be highly appreciated.

  • Hello,

    Sorry for the delay.

    • Enable MCU Island and create communication channel between MCU and A72.
    • Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU.
    • Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data and send it to A72 linux.

    What OS are you expecting to use on R5F and A72 ? Based on your reply we could suggest the answers.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    R5F: RTOS
    A72: Linux

  • Hello  Abdul,

    Yes , we can all the you have mentioned above.We have PDK based example ipc_echo_test for communication between R5F cores and A72.

    For CAN you need to write an example that performs to send CAN data to Linux. Details of MCAN module , can be found below .


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    I already looked at these documentations. Can you answer all of of questions sepearetly.

    1. Enable MCU Island and create communication channel between MCU and A72.
    2. Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU.
    3. Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data and send it to A72 linux.
    4. How can I compile MCU software and flash it to the MCU.

    Best Regards,
    Abdul Rehman

  • Hello,

    Enable MCU Island and create communication channel between MCU and A72.

    Yes .We have PDK based example ipc_echo_test for communication between R5F cores and A72. 

    Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU.

    Yes you can write any simple application and print on UART.

    Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data and send it to A72 linux.

    Yes you can develop an example to read CAN data and send it to A72 linux.

    How can I compile MCU software and flash it to the MCU.

    You have write a makefile for your example and build using make command for respective core and flash using CCS or SD card based on your requirement.

    You need to go through release notes and understand the domains,and have some understanding on folder structure and modules in it internally before developing.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    Thanks for the quick response. I know I can write a simple helloworld application and I can develop an example aswell. Maybe you didn't understand my question. Can you provide a concrete answers for the following questions.

    1. How can I Enable MCU Island from the the sdk and create communication channel between MCU and A72 that send structs.
    2. Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU. Where to write it? which compiler shall I use? How to create hex file? How can I burn to MCU? Which flasher shall i use? Where to connect the flasher. Is the flashing done with JTAG or microusb port? Which host OS shall I use? 
    3. How Can I Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data on MCU and send it to A72 linux as a feature freespace? 
    4. How can I compile MCU software and flash it to the MCU?

    I know I can do all the above things that's why I wrote in the TI forum.

  • Hello,

    Can you provide a concrete answers for the following questions.

    We can point you to the required documentation and answer in brief about the files but not write custom specific application .I believe you need to understand the modules in SDK here and whats there default functionality before start writing the applications or developing features.

    How can I Enable MCU Island from the the sdk and create communication channel between MCU and A72 that send structs

    You no need to enable anything already MCU Island is enabled.We have already an example which i am pointing in the above examples .Please go through modules IPC in the above shared link.

    Write a simple hello world program that will print something on UART and runs on MCU. Where to write it? which compiler shall I use? How to create hex file? How can I burn to MCU? Which flasher shall i use? Where to connect the flasher. Is the flashing done with JTAG or microusb port? Which host OS shall I use? 

    Please go through the links which i shared already which contains details steps of everything you are asking in those.

    How Can I Bring up CAN channels and write a program that read CAN data on MCU and send it to A72 linux as a feature freespace? 

    You need to develop custom specific application as it is done in the link

    How can I compile MCU software and flash it to the MCU?

    It is explained in the link

    Please go through the above links carefully, navigate to the required modules and

    understand the steps.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    I was following guidelines

    and getting following error

    @ Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build$ make sbl_mmcsd_img BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e
    make -C /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3 -f/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build/ BOOTMODE=mmcsd SBL_USE_DMA=yes BUILD_HS=no
    make[1]: Entering directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/ *** gcc-arm compiler not found. Please refer user guide to download the same. Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make: *** [makefile:325: sbl_mmcsd_img] Error 2

  • Hi,

    and getting following error

    Could you please install the gcc-arm compiler on your J721e package.

    Download Link: gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf.tar.xz



  • Hi Karthik,

    I am getting a following error after copying these files


    Port /dev/ttyUSB5, 14:26:42
    Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
    SBL Revision: (Jul  3 2024 - 12:29:44)
    TIFS  ver: 9.2.4--v09.02.04 (Kool Koala)
    Invalid magic number in Single image header

  • Hi,


    Can you please double check your app image, There's a chance that your app seems to be improper.



  • Hi,

    Initially I have installed vision apps on my sd card and booth TDA4 normally. 
    Then I followed this
    make -s can_profile_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0 BUILD_OS_TYPE=freertos

    and then this

    make sbl_mmcsd_img BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e

    Both were successful. I am following this user guide.

  • Hello,

    Initially I have installed vision apps on my sd card and booth TDA4 normally. 

    what do you mean by you installed vision apps on sd card ?

    app image looks to be corrupted, could you please recheck the steps and copy can profile app image as app into SD card ?


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Initially I followed vision apps guidelines and have vision apps running on the sd-card. In the same sd card I copied three files mentioned in the guidelines for can demo application. I tried it again but getting same error.

  • Hello,

    Can you give the below build command ?

    make -s can_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0 

    and copy .appimage as app into SD card.

    Please share the screen shot of boot partition in your SD card and also open the .appimage in editor page and share the beginning screenshot if issue persists.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Command:
    ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/build$ make -s can_profile_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0 BUILD_OS_TYPE=freertos

    I copied following

    SBL_BINARY="${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/${PDK_INSTALL_FOLDER}/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage" to $BOOT/tiboot3.bin"
    TIFS_BINARY="${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/${PDK_INSTALL_FOLDER}/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V1/tifs.bin" to  $BOOT/tifs.bin
    APP_BINARY="${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release_BE.appimage"  to $BOOT/app"
  • Hello Abdul,

    The steps are correct. Can you check with build command?

    ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/build$ make -s can_profile_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0 BUILD_OS_TYPE=freertos

    make -s can_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0

    copy /mcusw/binary/can_app/bin/j721e_evm/can_app_mcu1_0_release.appimage as app into BOOT

    We shall check with baremetal example first and then see the same with freeRTOS example.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • CAN APP:
    make -s can_profile_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0
    # Check and update: src/version/rmpmhal_version.h
    # Check and update: src/version/sciserver_version.h
    Nothing to be done for j721e i2c_indp
    Nothing to be done for j721e i2c_profile
    Nothing to be done for j721e i2c_profile_indp
    Nothing to be done for j721e i2c_icss0
    Nothing to be done for j721e fatfs_multi_indp
    ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/mcuss_demos/profiling/can ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/mcuss_demos/profiling/can
    R5 Certificate being generated :
    X509_CFG = ./x509-temp.cfg
    KEY = /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/k3_dev_mpk.pem
    BIN = /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage
    CERT TYPE = R5, 1
    CORE ID = 16
    LOADADDR = 0x41c00100
    IMAGE_SIZE = 245292
    Certificate being generated :
    SUCCESS: Image /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage.signed generated. Good to boot
    # SBL App image /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage and /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release_BE.appimage created.


    ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build$ make sbl_mmcsd_img BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e
    make -C /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3 -f/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build/ BOOTMODE=mmcsd SBL_USE_DMA=yes BUILD_HS=no
    make[1]: Entering directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make -f/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build/ BOOTMODE=mmcsd SBL_USE_DMA=yes BUILD_HS=no csl uart i2c udma gpio pmic pm_lib board sciclient_direct rm_pm_hal osal_nonos csl_init sbl_lib_mmcsd mmcsd fatfs_indp
    make[2]: Entering directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'csl'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'uart'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'i2c'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'udma'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'gpio'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'pmic'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'pm_lib'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'board'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'sciclient_direct'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'rm_pm_hal'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'osal_nonos'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'csl_init'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'sbl_lib_mmcsd'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'mmcsd'.
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'fatfs_indp'.
    make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make -f/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build/ BOOTMODE=mmcsd SBL_USE_DMA=yes BUILD_HS=no /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.xer5f
    make[2]: Entering directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make[2]: '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.xer5f' is up to date.
    make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    make -C /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3 -f/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/build/ BOOTMODE=mmcsd SBL_USE_DMA=yes BUILD_HS=no sbl_imagegen
    make[1]: Entering directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'
    /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf/bin/aarch64-none-elf-objcopy --gap-fill=0xff -O binary /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.xer5f /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.bin
    /bin/chmod a+x /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/
    /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/ -b /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.bin -o /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage -c R5 -l 0x41C00100 -k /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/rom_degenerateKey.pem -d DEBUG -j DBG_FULL_ENABLE -m SPLIT_MODE
    ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3 ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3

    Debug Extension is Enabled :
    SoC UID not specified for Debug Extension. Using UID 0
    UID = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    DBG_TYPE = 4
    R5 Certificate being generated :
    X509_CFG = ./x509-temp.cfg
    KEY = /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/build/makerules/rom_degenerateKey.pem
    BIN = /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.bin
    CERT TYPE = R5, 1
    CORE ID = 16
    LOADADDR = 0x41c00100
    IMAGE_SIZE = 303920
    Certificate being generated :
    SUCCESS: Image /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage generated. Good to boot
    # SBL image /home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/binary/j721e_evm/mmcsd/bin/sbl_mmcsd_img_mcu1_0_release.bin created.
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/$USER/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/pdk_jacinto_09_02_00_30/packages/ti/boot/sbl/board/k3'

     SBL Revision: (Jul 3 2024 - 12:29:44)
    TIFS ver: 9.2.4--v09.02.04 (Kool Koala)
    Invalid magic number in Single image header

  • Hello,

    small correction.

    make -s can_profile_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0

    Not can_profile_app  give only can_app.

    make -s can_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0

    then follow same steps.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • ~/Workspace/ti/ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-09_02_00_05/mcusw/build$ make -s can_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0
    make: *** No rule to make target 'can_app'. Stop.

  • Hello,

    APP_BINARY="${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/mcusw/binary/can_profile_app_freertos/bin/j721e/can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release_BE.appimage"  to $BOOT/app"

    Can you copy can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release.appimage as app into BOOT but not can_profile_app_freertos_mcu1_0_release_BE.appimage ?


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    Thanks for your support. I can see this message now on one of the UART port.

    TIFS ver: 9.2.4--v09.02.04 (Kool Koala)
    Starting Sciserver..... PASSED
    CAN Profile App:Variant - Pre Compile being used !!!
    CAN Profile App: Successfully Enabled CAN Transceiver MCU MCAN0!!!
    CAN Profile App: Successfully Enabled CAN Transceiver MCU MCAN1!!!
    CAN Profile App:Will Transmit & Receive (Internal-loopback) 10000 Messages, 2 times
    CAN Profile App:NOTE : Operating in interrupt mode!
    CAN Profile App:Transmit & Receive (Internal-loopback) 10000 packets 2 times
    CAN Profile App:Average of 87.37056 usecs per packet
    CAN Profile App:Average of 11373 packets in 1 second with CPU Load 0.000000%
    CAN Profile App:Packets sent: 20000, Packets recv: 20000 in total time: 3517056 us
    CAN Profile App:Measured Load: Total CPU: 100.000000%, TSK: 0.000000%
    CAN Profile App:Message Id Received c00000c0 Message Length is 64
    CAN Profile App:Test completed for 0 instance

    CAN Profile App: 2332 bytes used for stack
    CAN Profile App:Profiling completes sucessfully!!!

    However, I can't access A72 linux anymore. How can I run both at the same time.

    Secondly, I have to copy the files everytime on the SD card. This is a very tedious process. How can I flash it without removing the SD card.

  • Hello,

    Please raise another E2E thread for your another queries. The initial description of this query deviates from the above questions asked.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hi Tarun,

    I have tried the application you mentioned above

    make -s can_app BOARD=j721e_evm SOC=j721e BUILD_PROFILE=release CORE=mcu1_0

    This application stuck here

    SBL Revision: (Jul 3 2024 - 12:29:44)
    TIFS ver: 9.2.4--v09.02.04 (Kool Koala)
    CAN_APP: Sample Application - STARTS !!!

  • Hello Abdul,

    I request you to please another E2E thread on CAN issues.Since this E2E has been used to answer boot related queries.


    Tarun Mukesh

  • What about the simple can_app which is in the mcal/examples?

  • I can support you on another E2E thread, please raise another one.


    Tarun Mukesh