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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X: AM437x-HS:Kernel warning Logs at boot up after rootfs upgrade.



Hi there,

as discussed in below ticket

I was taking task forward, while doing some testing I have observed same error in am437x-hs-evm board even though the firmware upgrade is not taking place.

Below are some observations 

  1. Once we created a fresh SD card and placed on board the board got booted. after log in once we do soft reboot we are able to see the same warning messages. it was not generated after that
  2. Once we are doing soft reboot and stop at uboot play with some env variable using setenv and after booting we are seeing this same warning messages. It was random behavior after that.

Based on above observation we can say that the issue is related to the firmware upgrade process but due to some firewall security checks at the start of kernel. 

I hope you can provide some more input related to  this issue 



  • Hi Bhavesh,

    Can you please disable the &gpmc node in kernel device tree to see if the warning still happens?

  • HI Bin

    I tried as you suggested to disable the GPMC from the kernel it self but it was not allowing us to do that. Also tried to enable the CONFIG_OMEP_GPMC_DEBUG kernel config and do some testing. But did not help with the result. 

    it seems that some driver is trying to access the GPMC before it is getting initialized

  • Hi Bhavesh,

    I tried as you suggested to disable the GPMC from the kernel it self

    Please provide patch or log to show what exactly you did.

    but it was not allowing us to do that

    Please provide log to show what you meant by "was not allowing".