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Dear Team,
We are not yet able to make audio capture via 3.5mm jack. However, we need to have audio recording function soon.
Could you kindly guide us in enabling USB Audio MIC? We will parallely work on fixing analog audio mic.
We tried with both tinycap and soundrecorder app
1|console:/ # tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 0
Info for card 0, device 0:
PCM out:
Access: 0x000009
Format[0]: 0x000444
Format[1]: 0x000001
Format Name: S16_LE, S24_LE, S32_LE, S24_3LE
Subformat: 0x000001
Rate: min=8000Hz max=96000Hz
Channels: min=2 max=2
Sample bits: min=16 max=32
Period size: min=4 max=16384
Period count: min=2 max=32768
PCM in:
Access: 0x000009
Format[0]: 0x000444
Format[1]: 0x000001
Format Name: S16_LE, S24_LE, S32_LE, S24_3LE
Subformat: 0x000001
Rate: min=8000Hz max=96000Hz
Channels: min=2 max=2
Sample bits: min=16 max=32
Period size: min=4 max=16384
Period count: min=2 max=32768
Best regards
Modified audio_hal_configuration.xml & audio_policy_configuration.xml, adding mixer card and device. And we were able to record through tinycap by specifying card and device:
adb shell tinycap /sdcard/file.wav -D 1 -d 0
But still USB microphone is not the default input audio source and cannot record through voice recorder applications.
<!-- On the target device this file must be located in /vendor/etc and named audio_hal_configuration.xml Syntax is based on TinyHAL: Note: not xml elements from TinyHAL are supported. --> <audiohal> <!-- mixer element _must_ appear before any of the other definitions. The 'card' attribute is optional and sets the ALSA card number of the mixer device - if not given it defaults to 0 --> <mixer card="0"> <!-- init element lists control settings required to initialize the hardware and driver. These settings are applied only once when primary HAL is first loaded during boot --> <init> <ctl name="HP Playback Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="PCM Playback Volume" val="127" /> <ctl name="HP DAC Playback Volume" val="118" /> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="PGA Capture Volume" val="100" /> </init> </mixer> <mixer card="1"> <init> <ctl name="Mic Capture Volume" val="100" /> <ctl name="Mic Capture Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Extension Unit Switch" val="1" /> </init> </mixer> <!-- jack out --> <device name="headphone"> <path name="on"> <ctl name="HP Playback Switch" val="1" /> </path> <path name="off"> <ctl name="HP Playback Switch" val="0" /> </path> </device> <!-- jack in --> <device name="headset_in"> <path name="on"> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="1" /> </path> <path name="off"> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="0" /> <ctl name="Left PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="0" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3L Switch" val="0" /> <ctl name="Right PGA Mixer Mic3R Switch" val="0" /> </path> </device> <device name="usb"> <path name="on"> <ctl name="Mic Capture Switch" val="1" /> <ctl name="Extension Unit Switch" val="1" /> </path> <path name="off"> <ctl name="Mic Capture Switch" val="0" /> <ctl name="Extension Unit Switch" val="0" /> </path> </device> <stream type="pcm" dir="out" card="0" device="0" rate="32000"> </stream> <stream type="pcm" dir="in" card="1" device="0" rate="44100"> </stream> </audiohal>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!-- Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <audioPolicyConfiguration version="1.0" xmlns:xi=""> <!-- version section contains a “version” tag in the form “major.minor” e.g version=”1.0” --> <!-- Global configuration Declaration --> <globalConfiguration speaker_drc_enabled="true"/> <!-- Modules section: There is one section per audio HW module present on the platform. Each module section will contains two mandatory tags for audio HAL “halVersion” and “name”. The module names are the same as in current .conf file: “primary”, “A2DP”, “remote_submix”, “USB” Each module will contain the following sections: “devicePorts”: a list of device descriptors for all input and output devices accessible via this module. This contains both permanently attached devices and removable devices. “mixPorts”: listing all output and input streams exposed by the audio HAL “routes”: list of possible connections between input and output devices or between stream and devices. "route": is defined by an attribute: -"type": <mux|mix> means all sources are mutual exclusive (mux) or can be mixed (mix) -"sink": the sink involved in this route -"sources": all the sources than can be connected to the sink via vis route “attachedDevices”: permanently attached devices. The attachedDevices section is a list of devices names. The names correspond to device names defined in <devicePorts> section. “defaultOutputDevice”: device to be used by default when no policy rule applies --> <modules> <!-- Primary Audio HAL --> <module name="primary" halVersion="3.0"> <attachedDevices> <item>Wired Headphones</item> <item>Builtin Mic</item> </attachedDevices> <defaultOutputDevice>Wired Headphones</defaultOutputDevice> <mixPorts> <mixPort name="primary output" role="source" flags="AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY"> <profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT" samplingRates="32000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/> </mixPort> <mixPort name="primary input" role="sink"> <profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT" samplingRates="44100" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO"/> </mixPort> </mixPorts> <devicePorts> <!-- Output devices declaration, i.e. Sink DEVICE PORT --> <devicePort tagName="Wired Headphones" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE" role="sink"> <profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT" samplingRates="32000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/> </devicePort> <devicePort tagName="Builtin Mic" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC" role="source"> </devicePort> </devicePorts> <!-- route declaration, i.e. list all available sources for a given sink --> <routes> <route type="mix" sink="Wired Headphones" sources="primary output"/> <route type="mix" sink="primary input" sources="Builtin Mic"/> </routes> </module> <!-- Usb Audio HAL --> <xi:include href="usb_audio_policy_configuration.xml"/> <!-- Remote Submix Audio HAL --> <xi:include href="r_submix_audio_policy_configuration.xml"/> </modules> <!-- End of Modules section --> <!-- Volume section --> <xi:include href="audio_policy_volumes.xml"/> <xi:include href="default_volume_tables.xml"/> <!-- End of Volume section --> </audioPolicyConfiguration>
Did a dumpsys audio and attaching its dump here. I was concerned whether the microphone is muted and then observed a line in the dump stating:
mic mute FromSwitch=false FromRestrictions=false FromApi=false from system=false No accessibility service Uids.
Any idea what this mean in terms of microphone mute state?
Events log: audio services lifecycle 09-10 14:27:14:934 AudioService() Message handler (watch for unhandled messages): Handler ($AudioHandler) {a6d7999} @ 1122087 Looper (AudioService, tid 119) {b7e3565} (Total messages: 0, polling=true, quitting=false) MediaFocusControl dump time: 3:14:12 PM Audio Focus stack entries (last is top of stack): No external focus policy Notify on duck: true In ring or call: false Events log: focus commands as seen by MediaFocusControl Multi Audio Focus enabled :false Stream volumes (device: index) - STREAM_VOICE_CALL: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 1 Max: 5 streamVolume:3 Current: 8 (headphone): 3, 40000000 (default): 3 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL - STREAM_SYSTEM (aliased to: STREAM_RING): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 7 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM - STREAM_RING: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 7 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_RING - STREAM_MUSIC: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 15 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC - STREAM_ALARM: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 1 Max: 7 streamVolume:6 Current: 8 (headphone): 6, 40000000 (default): 6 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM - STREAM_NOTIFICATION: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 7 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION - STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO: Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 15 streamVolume:7 Current: 8 (headphone): 7, 40000000 (default): 7 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO - STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED (aliased to: STREAM_RING): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 7 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE - STREAM_DTMF (aliased to: STREAM_MUSIC): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 15 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF - STREAM_TTS (aliased to: STREAM_MUSIC): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 15 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_TTS - STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY (aliased to: STREAM_MUSIC): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 1 Max: 15 streamVolume:6 Current: 8 (headphone): 6, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 4, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 6 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY - STREAM_ASSISTANT (aliased to: STREAM_MUSIC): Muted: false Muted Internally: false Min: 0 Max: 15 streamVolume:5 Current: 8 (headphone): 5, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone(8) Volume Group: AUDIO_STREAM_ASSISTANT - mute affected streams = 0x6f Volume Groups (device: index) - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY: Muted: false Min: 1 Max: 15 Current: 8 (headphone): 6, 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 4, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 6 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM: Muted: false Min: 1 Max: 7 Current: 40000000 (default): 6 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_ALARM - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_ASSISTANT: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_ASSISTANT - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 40000000 (default): 7 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_DTMF - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 7 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_MUSIC - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 7 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_NOTIFICATION - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: UNKNOWN_STREAM_13 - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_REROUTING: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: UNKNOWN_STREAM_12 - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_RING: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 7 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_RING - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 7 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_SYSTEM - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_TTS: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 80 (bt_a2dp): 2, 100 (bt_a2dp_hp): 2, 4000000 (usb_headset): 3, 20000000 (ble_headset): 2, 20000002 (ble_broadcast): 2, 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_TTS - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL: Muted: false Min: 1 Max: 5 Current: 40000000 (default): 3 Devices: headphone Streams: STREAM_VOICE_CALL - VOLUME GROUP AUDIO_STREAM_CALL_ASSISTANT: Muted: false Min: 0 Max: 15 Current: 40000000 (default): 5 Devices: headphone Streams: UNKNOWN_STREAM_14 Ringer mode: - mode (internal) = NORMAL - mode (external) = NORMAL - zen mode:ZEN_MODE_OFF - ringer mode affected streams = 0xa6 (STREAM_SYSTEM,STREAM_RING,STREAM_NOTIFICATION,STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED) - ringer mode muted streams = 0x0 - delegate = ZenModeHelper Audio mode: - Requested mode = MODE_NORMAL - Actual mode = MODE_NORMAL - Mode owner: None - Mode owner stack: Empty Audio routes: mMainType=0x0 mBluetoothName=null Other state: mUseVolumeGroupAliases=false mVolumeController=VolumeController(null,mVisible=false) mEnableCsd=false mSafeMediaVolumeState=SAFE_MEDIA_VOLUME_ACTIVE mSafeMediaVolumeIndex=100 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[4]=100 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[8]=100 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[128]=-1 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[256]=-1 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[67108864]=30 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[536870912]=-1 mSafeMediaVolumeIndex[536870914]=-1 mSafeMediaVolumeDbfs=-37.0 mMusicActiveMs=0 mMcc=0 mPendingVolumeCommand=null Events log: CSD updates sIndependentA11yVolume=false mCameraSoundForced=false mHasVibrator=false mVolumePolicy=VolumePolicy[volumeDownToEnterSilent=false,volumeUpToExitSilent=false,doNotDisturbWhenSilent=false,vibrateToSilentDebounce=400] mAvrcpAbsVolSupported=false mBtScoOnByApp=false mIsSingleVolume=false mUseFixedVolume=false mNotifAliasRing=false mFixedVolumeDevices=0x800,0x200000 mFullVolumeDevices=0x40000,0x40001 absolute volume devices= adjust-only absolute volume devices= mExtVolumeController=null mHdmiAudioSystemClient=null mHdmiPlaybackClient=null mHdmiTvClient=null mHdmiSystemAudioSupported=false mHdmiCecVolumeControlEnabled=false mIsCallScreeningModeSupported=false mic mute FromSwitch=false FromRestrictions=false FromApi=false from system=false No accessibility service Uids. No Assistant service Uids. supportsBluetoothVariableLatency=false isBluetoothVariableLatencyEnabled=true Audio policies: Events log: dynamic policy events (logged when command received by AudioService) PlaybackActivityMonitor dump time: 3:14:12 PM playback listeners: (S)$PlayMonitorClient@a46f410 (S)$PlayMonitorClient@2f2fb09 players: (not logged) AudioPlaybackConfiguration piid:103 deviceId:0 u/pid:1000/654 state:idle attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null sessionId:0 mutedState:none FormatInfo{isSpatialized=false, channelMask=0x0, sampleRate=0} AudioPlaybackConfiguration piid:111 deviceId:0 u/pid:10100/1141 state:idle attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null sessionId:0 mutedState:none FormatInfo{isSpatialized=false, channelMask=0x0, sampleRate=0} ducked players piids: faded out players piids: muted player piids due to call/ring: banned uids: muted players (piids) awaiting device connection: current portId to piid map: portId: 8 piid: 111 Events log: playback activity as reported through PlayerBase 09-10 14:27:17:253 new player piid:103 uid/pid:1000/654 attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null session:0 09-10 14:56:12:752 new player piid:111 uid/pid:10100/1141 attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null session:0 09-10 14:56:19:246 player piid:111 event:started 09-10 14:56:19:341 port updated portId:8 mapped to player piid:111 09-10 14:59:54:371 new player piid:127 uid/pid:1010122/3123 attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_UNKNOWN content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null session:113 09-10 14:59:54:467 player piid:127 event:started 09-10 14:59:54:606 port updated portId:12 mapped to player piid:127 09-10 14:59:54:625 player piid:127 format update:FormatInfo{isSpatialized=false, channelMask=0x1, sampleRate=8000} 09-10 14:59:54:673 player piid:127 event:device updated deviceId:2 09-10 15:00:01:012 releasing player piid:127 09-10 15:00:07:821 new player piid:143 uid/pid:1010122/3123 attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_UNKNOWN content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null session:129 09-10 15:00:07:872 player piid:143 event:started 09-10 15:00:07:992 port updated portId:16 mapped to player piid:143 09-10 15:00:08:007 player piid:143 format update:FormatInfo{isSpatialized=false, channelMask=0x1, sampleRate=8000} 09-10 15:00:08:072 player piid:143 event:device updated deviceId:2 09-10 15:00:12:380 player piid:143 event:stopped 09-10 15:10:30:364 releasing player piid:143 allowed capture policies: RecordActivityMonitor dump time: 3:14:12 PM Events log: recording activity received by AudioService 09-10 14:59:44:548 rec update riid:119 uid:1010122 session:105 src:MIC not silenced 09-10 14:59:52:663 rec stop riid:119 uid:1010122 session:105 src:MIC not silenced 09-10 15:00:02:216 rec start riid:135 uid:1010122 session:121 src:MIC not silenced 09-10 15:00:06:587 rec stop riid:135 uid:1010122 session:121 src:MIC not silenced AudioDeviceBroker: Message handler (watch for unhandled messages): Handler ($BrokerHandler) {44e6335} @ 1122095 Looper (AudioDeviceBroker, tid 116) {7628118} (Total messages: 0, polling=true, quitting=false) BECOMING_NOISY_INTENT_DEVICES_SET= 0x400 0x800 0x8000000 0x20000000 0x80 0x100 0x200 0x2000 0x4000 0x4000000 0x20000001 0x20000 0x20000002 0x4 0x8 Preferred devices for strategy: Non-default devices for strategy: Connected devices: APM Connected device (A2DP sink only): Preferred devices for capture preset: Applied devices roles for strategies (from API): Applied devices roles for strategies (internal): Applied devices roles for presets (from API): Applied devices roles for presets (internal: devices: Communication route clients: Computed Preferred communication device: null Applied Preferred communication device: null Active communication device: AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name:AOSP Car on AM62P EVM profiles:[{ENCODING_PCM_32BIT, sampling rates=[32000], channel masks=0x0C, encapsulation type=0}, {ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT, sampling rates=[32000], channel masks=0x0C, encapsulation type=0}] descriptors:[] mCommunicationStrategyId: 15 mAccessibilityStrategyId: 18 mAudioModeOwner: AudioModeInfo: mMode=MODE_NORMAL, mPid=0, mUid=0 mBluetoothHeadset: null mBluetoothHeadsetDevice: null mScoAudioState: SCO_STATE_INACTIVE mScoAudioMode: SCO_MODE_VIRTUAL_CALL mHearingAid: null mLeAudio: null mA2dp: null mAvrcpAbsVolSupported: false SoundEffects: Message handler (watch for unhandled messages): Handler ($SfxHandler) {ad6b1e9} @ 1122096 Looper (AS.SfxWorker, tid 118) {ad4ee6e} (Total messages: 0, polling=true, quitting=false) Default attenuation (dB): -6 Events log: Sound Effects Loading 09-10 14:27:17:250 effects loading started 09-10 14:27:18:465 effect Effect_Tick.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:18:479 effect KeypressStandard.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:18:802 effect KeypressSpacebar.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:18:818 effect KeypressDelete.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:19:225 effect KeypressReturn.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:19:304 effect KeypressInvalid.ogg loaded 09-10 14:27:19:305 effects loading completed Event logs: Events log: phone state (logged after successful call to AudioSystem.setPhoneState(int, int)) Events log: wired/A2DP/hearing aid device connection 09-10 14:27:17:235 updateCommunicationRoute, preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: resetBluetoothSco 09-10 14:27:20:216 updateCommunicationRoute, preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: resetBluetoothSco Events log: force use (logged before setForceUse() is executed) 09-10 14:27:15:010 setForceUse(FOR_ENCODED_SURROUND, FORCE_NONE) due to readPersistedSettings 09-10 14:27:15:012 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:27:15:199 setForceUse(FOR_SYSTEM, FORCE_NONE) due to AudioService ctor 09-10 14:27:15:502 setForceUse(FOR_VIBRATE_RINGING, FORCE_NONE) due to muteRingerModeStreams() from u/pid:1000/654 09-10 14:27:17:251 setForceUse(FOR_VIBRATE_RINGING, FORCE_NONE) due to muteRingerModeStreams() from u/pid:1000/654 09-10 14:27:20:238 setForceUse(FOR_VIBRATE_RINGING, FORCE_NONE) due to muteRingerModeStreams() from u/pid:1000/654 09-10 14:27:21:966 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:27:22:023 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:10:045 setForceUse(FOR_ENCODED_SURROUND, FORCE_NONE) due to readPersistedSettings 09-10 14:56:10:045 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:10:561 setForceUse(FOR_VIBRATE_RINGING, FORCE_NONE) due to muteRingerModeStreams() from u/pid:1000/654 09-10 14:56:11:114 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:11:143 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:20:989 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:21:059 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:22:480 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings 09-10 14:56:22:485 setForceUse(FOR_DOCK, FORCE_DIGITAL_DOCK) due to readDockAudioSettings Events log: volume changes (logged when command received by AudioService) 09-10 14:27:23:127 adjustStreamVolume(stream:STREAM_VOICE_CALL dir:ADJUST_SAME flags:0x0) from null Events log: mute commands 09-10 14:27:15:169 RingerZenMutedStreams 0x0 from onInitStreamsAndVolumes Supported System Usages: USAGE_CALL_ASSISTANT USAGE_EMERGENCY USAGE_SAFETY USAGE_VEHICLE_STATUS USAGE_ANNOUNCEMENT Spatial audio: mHasSpatializerEffect:false (effect present) isSpatializerEnabled:false (routing dependent) SpatializerHelper: mState:1 mSpatLevel:0 mCapableSpatLevel:0 mIsHeadTrackingSupported:false supported head tracking modes: mDesiredHeadTrackingMode:HEAD_TRACKING_MODE_RELATIVE_WORLD mActualHeadTrackingMode:HEAD_TRACKING_MODE_UNSUPPORTED headtracker available:false supports binaural:false / transaural:false mSpatOutput:0 Events log: spatial audio 09-10 14:27:15:195 init effectExpected=false 09-10 14:27:15:197 init(): setting state to STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED due to effect not expected 09-10 14:27:15:197 setFeatureEnabled(false) was featureEnabled:false AudioSystemAdapter: last cache clear time: 09-10 14:56:22:485 mDevicesForAttrCache: AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_SYSTEM(1) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_UNKNOWN content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x801 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_SYSTEM(1) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANCE_ACCESSIBILITY content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY(10) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_RING(2) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ALARM content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_ALARM(4) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_ASSISTANT content=CONTENT_TYPE_SPEECH flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_ASSISTANT(11) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_NOTIFICATION(5) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_VOICE_CALL(0) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION_SIGNALLING content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_DTMF(8) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_MEDIA content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_MUSIC(3) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_UNKNOWN content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x804 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_VOICE_CALL(0) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[] AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_UNKNOWN content=CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN flags=0x808 tags= bundle=null forVolume: true stream: STREAM_MUSIC(3) AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:headphone addr: name: profiles:[] descriptors:[]
i just find a fix mostly based on your changes , it's under review internaly , but you can check commit details here :
With this commit i'm able to play audio on jack and capture too. Same with a jabra headset on USB.
to validate jack mic and ouput and USB headset capture and play too i use Easy voice recorder apps.
you can find it if you search ' apk easy voice recoder" on google.