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Part Number: SK-AM62-LP


Hello TI team,

we are trying to enable /disable GPIO provided in main/mcu domain.

Could you please reverify steps which we have done till now and give correct sequnce or set of command to enable/disable GPIO.

GPIO0_38 pin of SK-AM62-LP board 

We tried below command :

gpiochip2 start with the gpio base number 396,, so 396+38 = 434 for gpio0_38 

1. gpiodetect

2.tail /sys/class/gpio/*/label
3.echo 434 >/sys/class/gpio/export
4.echo out >/sys/class/gpio/gpio434/direction
5. echo 1 >/sys/class/gpio/gpio434/value

At the end we are not able to see GPIO is high value on oscilloscope/ voltmeter.

Could you please guide w.r.t correct way for verification with linux command