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I know that the C6203B is a very old processor but I think this issue could be reproduced in newest versions. I do not want to focus it on the DSP version, so any approach will be apreciated.
Is Is there any way to make a conditional section inside the .CMD file of your main project based on a precompilation variable defined at your .pjt?
Something like this:
SECTIONS { #ifdef LIBRARY_DEFINED .text_sdram_code: { library.lib (.text) } > SDRAM_CODE #endif }
["Compiler" Settings: "Debug"] Options=-q -fg -fr".\Debug" -d"LIBRARY_DEFINED" -ml3
Hello Jorge,
With the understanding that C6203B can no longer be supported on the forums, I am sending your thread to a team member who has experience with a different OS (MCU+ SDK/FreeRTOS) on a different processor (AM64x/AM62x). They can comment on whether we support putting conditional statements within the linker.cmd file on those devices.
Hello Jorge,
Sorry I did not find any methods to check the processing conditions in the Linker cmd file.
Internally, I checked with other teammates as well and no one has tried out this method.
Hello Jorge,
I did small testing on new CCS compilers for AM64X/AM62X/AM243 .
I have tried to keep .text and .rodata content in different memory regions based on the prepossessing condition i.e. library defined.
If the macro is defined, the text file is sitting in the MSRAM and if the macro is not defined, the text file is sitting on the flash memory .
This method seems to work for me. You can check at your side and see if this method works for you or not.
Hello Anil,
I've tried that solution but CCS gives the following error:
Looks like that CCS 2.20 doesn't support this type of defines inside .cmd file and that's why I would like to do it through .pjt options.
Hello Jorge,
Unfortunately, this is as far as we can go to offer support on C6203B. If this older core behaves differently than our more recent devices, then we cannot offer anything else.