AM62A3: NorFlash S28HS512T sector erase failed

Part Number: AM62A3


hi  TI experts

         Now we use norflash  memory S28HS512T  which is  accessed  through  AM62A3 OSPI  interface  in our  customized board,   if  using   " int32_t Flash_eraseBlk(Flash_Handle handle, uint32_t blockNum) "   function( erase 256k)  , the  used  flash block can be erased  successfully and  user data can be wrote to Nor flash device correctly;

           but if  use  "int32_t Flash_eraseSector(Flash_Handle handle, uint32_t sectorNum) (erase 4K)"   function,  the erase and  write operation  will be failed.

           in fact,  most time we may just  modify  a few bytes data  in one sector;  before erasing flash,  we can copy one sector data into global buffer ,  then modify  some bytes data according to the  data

 position offset in the buffer , finally  write data stored  in buffer to the specified sector area,  there is  no necessary to erase  block area every time ;

        so why  call  the   "Flash_eraseSector()"  function   can`t   erase data  as expected;