AM6442: Both Ethernet ports are able to detect link up but cannot ping

Part Number: AM6442


Hi TI experts,

I'm working on the project with AM64x on custom board, both ethernet port connect to phy dp83822 with RMII interface, and configure both phy for bootstrap. I confirm this custom board can boot from Ethernet port successfully, and run Linux successfully without ping issues.

The project is developed with MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM64X version I refer to the example project "enet_lwip_cpsw", modify the phy in syscfg as "custom board", and configure correct "RMII pinmux", add dp83822 driver and enabled EnetPhy_Cfg.isStrapped.

Both ports are able to detect the link up or down, but neither can ping successfully. 

What else should I check for this issues, thank you.